Here's What Your Vote REALLY Does. Prepare to be Disturbed!

in voting •  8 years ago 

Here are 20 quick reasons why you shouldn't vote at all!!

I’m sure that there are a LOT of reasons people vote, but, I think that most people vote because they think they're doing their part to steer their country in the right direction. And if you’ve ever been a delegate to a state or a national convention and you were honest with yourself, you know that another large group of people vote because their party has a pet candidate “and we just can’t let the other guys win.” Others vote because that’s just what they do. Never mind about understanding the issues or finding out what your candidate actually stands for, "this is what we’ve always done" so people just don’t question why they do what they do.

So, for your viewing and learning pleasure, I've created an easy-to-understand video you can share with your voting friends: 20 reasons why no informed, MORAL person could possibly participate in such a corrupt, utterly vile system:

I'm Brian Young, anarchist and owner of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix; and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page:

Thanks for watching and commenting!

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What an eye opening post! I've felt this way for the longest time, but I never had enough information to really put it into words. I ran across your youtube page about a week or two ago & have been hooked ever since.
Thanks for sharing your viewpoints & knowledge!

You should have named this video, "Voting is literally, insanity, and here's why!" I like what you are saying, but what I failed to hear you say is, what alternative do we have? I know that anarchy is the best alternative worldwide, but how can the world even begin to implement it, when there are so many that cling to the power that they have been given by the sheeple? I also know that a resource based economy is a much better option than a monetary based economy because regardless of whether money or currency has intrinsic value still puts all of us in a slave state. Jacques Fresco had it right over 40 years ago, and yet, little has been done to make his dream a reality. It appears the sheeple are comfortably numb being the state's slave units...