A friend of mine in the LP just dropped off a Chase Oliver yard sign, and it'll go up.

in voting •  7 months ago 


But he also offered an LP congressional sign and...

Kamala with a Democrat-run Congress kinda scares me. I don't live in a swing state, so I can support who I align with most for President without worry, but...

She's literally pushing price controls actively. I don't say that as an exaggeration or shorthand for starting a slippery slope that leads to it. It's an open, unapologetic push. What party controls Congress under Trump doesn't matter much to me, but Kamala+Democrat congressional is a combo I really wanna avoid.

Call me a sellout who's giving into lesser evil voting or whatever, but that's where I'm at. My vote ain't gonna change any outcomes on its own, but for what it's worth, that's my thought process.

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