Are we beating a dead horse?

in voting •  8 years ago 

As much as I hate to say it I think the crypto community needs another coin? Hear me out... Then you can flip out. 

No current wallet system has a voting mechanism. Yet almost every crypto has voting members. Wouldn't it be easy to have an admin from a crypto, type in a poll question & description, have a group of wallet addresses receiving the question with a notification. Then with every poll question have the system distribute voting coins that only worked in a polling wallet so votes could be quickly tabulated by everyone. "Watch wallets" could optionally be offered to users so they could see how many votes were cast either way without revealing who voted how. So ideally you'd be able to open a tab in your wallet, see results, cast your vote & go about your day.

I know voting rights are new to some. I know voting is powerful & can effect change. I know change is happening faster than ever & people like democracy.

This would remove any question of voter fraud while providing quick resolution & clear direction without letting all the power of voting gathering at the top stinking up the community. So bitcoin could easily run a poll on Segwit yes / no. Eligable voters could be handled internal to the community. So you could only vote from a designated wallet address. 

I know this isn't hard to figure out, or hard to do. So why hasn't it been done yet? Dash I know has nodes that have some kind of voting mechanism. But I don't think voting should be "nodes only". 

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It's already in the works.

Want dogecoin designed to be one big unregulated voting system? It was never supposed to be worth money, it was a crypto +infinity internets tipping system. Kudos given trackable crypto form.