VOTU Podcast - Politics

in votu •  7 years ago  (edited)

VOTU or the Voice Of The Underground hosted by @beanz

This is my reaction about the topic last week "POLITICS". Politics are activities of the government to govern a certain country or territory. I found it more of the action that the public officials do to hold power over their political territory....Hold power! there is more of the connotation of this thing that is why most of us often get away of politics. It is allegedly Politics is the most dirties ever.

To quote from the podcast by @beanz:

"Politics is something what people hate talking about and getting away with it
why? "

As I have pointed out earlier "Politics is the dirties ever...I heard stories how political parties back stab its other and saw how their political dreams kill their opponents. I remember it right when I was a kid...our mayor in our town were killed by allegedly his opponent and his remains were thrown in the river..Then suddenly out of a sudden helicopters keep revolving around us. I was scared then and wish there is peace around.

And yes I hate talking about politics from then on...and stay away from politics though according to my mom...my grandfather was one of the Spaniards official before during the Spanish Regime here in our country. In my blood runs the blood of a politician...I have my aunt as Barangay Captain before...and I once dream to be a politician too...want to study law after College just like my dad but my dreams came to an end when he was murdered.

"What/why we hate talking about politics"
For me, It's our way of protecting ourselves, going out in the streets and talk with other fellow about politics is a scary thing to do. As one may just attack you for talking things about a certain issue.
Politics is really a very sensitive issue, even here in our place. We don't talk much about it. Especially before election. Political malpractices are very apparent...there are politicians who goes for vote buying. and it's logical..for what? power! and from where the money came from...maybe it's rational come to think of it...and if they are elected in public offices...what will they do to get even with what they spent during the election..? It's my open ended question...just analyze the pattern and you can find the answer.

"Politician may use the money from taxes"

They may or may not...It is long time issue...the issue keep on revolving...one public official after the other. The current officer prosecute the past officer for malversation of public funds, crimes, drugs and more of a kind. Then after that when the current exit...the next will in turn file complaints against the other...It's a sick thing

"Romans built big theater because of the fact that "power is easilly maintained when people are distracted by entertainment"

We were under the Roman empire way back then...We are under them for a long time that is why traditions and culture here in my country is influenced by them. The infrastructure of the government offices, church and park (they call it plaza during the Spaniards colonization here) is somewhat goes with the picture quoted as to what the pirate queen said "power is easily maintained when people are distracted by entertainment".

The picture is...In our country, nearby the municipal halls,is the church with parks adjacent to it where feast like senakulo (Suffering of Jesus Christ) or any other religious activities were held in the plaza or parks right infront of the church. Remember that Roman Catholic Church have a lot of festivity . The State controls the church (It was actually them who introduced Catholicism in the country)...and so the picture is evident...the festivity in the parks were used to distract the people and a way of controlling them through the Church...

What are the importance of Taxes

"Importance of taxes"

Taxes are peoples money...They came from people and it has to be spent for the people. the government uses money to fund their projects. Like Infrastructures for education, public hospital, roads and a lot more. But are all the public money used in a very efficient way to cater to the needs of the public. Like for example the road widening here in our area. They have long been doing that...and we are counting years to finish a project...I think ours goes a long years of about more than 5 years now but still there are spot remain unfinished...the delay of work means more funds to be use.

The host said

"It has to be a system that actually works for people in order for people to actually want to pay for it."

The government must develop a system so that the taxes should be used as what it ought to be...not to be wasted to long overdue government projects or the worst to be use by the corrupt public officials for their own interest. taking on to their pocket and spend for their personal intention.

It should be spent to more of a high scaled project like education.

The host @beanz asked what is
"End goal of education- with this information age"

The government and the people should have high regards with the education..this is just for me. It is based on my personal conviction and preference that education should be taken high consideration because it is by knowing that we may know the rationale of our actions. In our country...even the drugstore seller or the maintenance crew of a building should have degree to be able to get employed if not they are left behind with those high ranking graduates...well of course companies will look for the creamiest among the best candidate to have the job. That is how important education is in our country...the only way to land a good job is to have graduated in good universities or even state universities....with a good reputation. It is somewhat a competition for survival of the fittest.

The host said

"In Ireland you're taught to hate school, you're taught to hate education because you are force into it because your taxed and you are force to learn things you are not opting to. I know many people learn things outside school like for example Music and any other topic they cannot learn from school and they happened to love it because its something they decided themselves."

Well it is a great journey to enjoy the ride...doing what we love to do.

"Education is important that kids should not hate"

Education I believe is very important as she said that is why it should not be hated by the kids...they should be taught to value it as it is our passport to a good fortune in life.

There are
Many other issues that came after...but may I just have it here.

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Photo taken from

@navmasterpro TOTU - VOTU PODCAST #2

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Wow... Great article... @baby07, nice guys, i hope you to vote me back


nice article @ baby 07, good job best regards still remember me


Thumbs up!