VOTU Sunday Podcast: ANARCHY

in votu •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thank you mam @beanz for allowing us to have an excerpt from your Sunday VOTU Podcast about Anarchy 

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Anarchist are self-governed. This is a political philosophy that don’t recognize a leader often called a stateless societies. 

 According to my research the first political advocate that call himself an anarchist is  Pierre-Joseph Proudhon which led to the born of anarchism in the mid-nineteenth century. 

All voices during the podcast is very great..and been said in the plight of opinion for the topic brought.  A common belief 

Anarchy seems have different levels where like some people just believe in no governance no authorities whatsoever or the people believe in decentralized government and or you know just removing state something like that... 

People wants a decentralized government with its top level decision making is dispersed among throughout the system. So authority is not solely from the top but the voice of the people will be heard. And at times abuse of power people will likely go out and express what they want. 

We are actually naturally seek authority. We seek people to actually take responsibility because individually people don’t tend to wants that responsibility for themselves. I think its human nature to actually wants to designate a sort of authority so they don’t have to make all the decisions. 

This seems a natural thing...Personally I want others to take charge from the goal of a certain community taking some of the responsibility they can...and not leaving all to one person That at the end all will be responsible to the outcome of everything...Its making a person grow in certain areas so that at the end when we fail to do things the goal or vision will continue..and not fail  simultaneous  with one's fall.     

<center>One more is I want to take a chance to give my insight connecting to the topic with our very own Philippines. </center>

As Filipino may I have my insight in Anarchism here in the Philippines. The formidable works of Benedict Anderson and his book under three flags link the history of anarchism with the life and works of Jose Rizal… 

History talks of a well-known figure here in our country about the revolution ignited by his novels “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo”. Actually this has been beneficial to everyone of us Filipinos since through the books written by Jose Rizal we gained our Independence. The freedom long waited after the 300 years of Spanish colonization which brought a lot of tortures to the Filipino People. And after that the colonization of the Americans brought fear to our forefathers that the long waited freedom can never be seen even for the next... next generation but luckily with the advocates of the activist brought out a revolution against the Spaniards. Yes the revolution which is in the real context the same as anarchism is very helpful to us. 

It proven a lot looking back in Philippine History. Our Indenpendence from the hands of Americans...Long we gained our freedom..but still the concepts remains...leftist or the New Peoples Army remain a problem of the Government. Ready to make scene incase of abuse of public offices. We also have the Peaceful Revolution that end the Marcos Regime and Philippines regain the democratic Government after the martial law. 

Filipinos and many other race used the context of anarchism at times they see things of abuse of power by the elected officials or any officials in respective government. 

<center>Wherever we are...whatever we call it in our country the context remain the same..I am not pro anarchy neither an anti...I just see the beauty of the negative option of the people giving independence to everyone against the abusive people in authority. </center>


 Any offense opinion I have given here...I just want to brought out my opinion...and it will always be my opinion. And it never represent any advocates of a certain group.    

I would like to acknowledge the help of sir @iwrite in editing this video.  Sir you are always been a great help to me in my  journey from day 1 onward and for that I would like to personally say THANK YOU SO MUCH! I will never be here in #steemit without you who encourage me during my worst depression to just write and write...and from you I hear the server #VOTU -in turn mold me to play like a pirate...


To our dear pirate queen of the "VOICES OF THE UNDERGROUND" @beanz I love the voices, the way you brought out the value of everything through the topics in your podcast. Podcast is really an event one may want to engage in...I love hearing those voices who can freely express what they want. 

<center>Join us Voices Of The Underground Podcast aired every Sunday  @ 7:30 PM UTC(+0)</center>


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hopefully in our country, that is your country and my country, there is no such thing as anarchy @baby07


votu it's so cool

Interesting story, I just found out about it, thanks @baby07