Take the VOTE NEGATION POLL NOW!!!! BROUGHT TO YOU BY @sirlunchthehost aka the Saru Pirate King.

in votu •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is a Mock Poll asking:

Do you think Vote Canceling should be Implemented. Click the link below to cast your Vote now.

Click here to Vote on Vote Negation2017-02-27_10-40-58.png

Click here to Vote on A Community REP2017-02-27_10-40-10.png
Clicking the above link will take you to a free Poll which is being used as an example as to how we can get things done.

If you click see results you can see exactly how the %'s worked out. Obviously this system is not 100% game proof, but its a step in the right direction. I urge everyone to take the Mock "Vote Negation" poll so that we can get an idea of how the community will sway.

Here is the virus total scan for the links

Vote me as a REP today. How? Just comment and show support for fixing problems the right way (tag the end of your comment with #votu to show support for me).Know someone that might be a good REP? Convince them to get involved! Arguing and trolling is for fun, but it never solves serious issues. Only serious people do that.

I am open to discussion on my ideas and beliefs, but on this matter. Blatant disrespect or trolling behavior will be ignored.

People like me and Winston have suggested Polling, So I bring you a mock Poll to the community. I am about action.


Up Vote and Resteem to get the Poll going.

Tagging for Importance

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Upvoted and resteemed 😁

second link doesn't work.

As a new person here I am very discouraged. Is it all about getting whales to befriend you so people see your posts? Is that what it's all about. Like a high school clique?

Not at all, its just some people want to make it like high school. Don't be discouraged be a Pirate and keep steeming on. Find a Steemian to stand behind and support them to change these ridiculous ways of whales lol. Its okay to speak out against bad whales, on the other hand. There are very good whales out there, they just don't battle cry too loud.

I don't know who the bad whales are or the good ones. I'll do my best and post but am I wasting my time if the whales are getting all the attention? Is this a phase or has this been going on since the start? Who do you get to to stand behind you? I don't want to speak out and cause division but to unite. Is that even possible that the whale with all the whale support would care if they are bring down Steemit?

Stand behind Me, read this steemit post to understand what I mean. King Speech Part 1