Voynic's manuscript

in voynics •  6 years ago  (edited)

Most zagodachnaya manuscript in the world. Total decrypted 1% of the entire book. In 1912, American collector Wilfrid M. Voinich discovered this strange book at Villa Mondragone in the Italian city of Frascati. Between the pages was a letter, dated 1665 or 1666, from the rector of Prague University. He asked a famous scientist to participate in the solution of the cipher. Judging by the text of the epistle, the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II of Bohemia, who ruled from 1576 to 1612, bought a manuscript for 600 ducats. On weight it will be three and a half kilograms of gold. The message also hinted that Roger Bacon, a Franciscan monk and a 13th-century mystic who was interested in science and cryptography, could be the author of the doodles. And could not be. The book is currently stored in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Rare Books and Manuscripts at Yale University.
All the minds of the world are trying to decipher this book but alas! Version of origin is not clear to anyone. Some scientists argue that it belongs to the great pharmacept from germanium, others argue that it belonged to an unknown people. But no matter how I found it, Yes, in an almost detective story of the most mysterious book of all ages, it was not without a “Russian trace”. The man who made the manuscript famous was born in the Russian Empire in 1865. His name was Wilfried Michael Voinich. His biography was rich in sharp turns.

In his youth, after graduating from the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow University, Wilfried was a member of the terrorist organization Narodnaya Volya. The underground work led to arrest and exile in Irkutsk, but after three years, Voynich managed to escape from there. And not just anywhere, but to London, and not to anyone, but to his beloved Ethel Lillian. The one that will later become the author of the novel "The Gadfly."
Having celebrated the wedding, the young moved away from the revolutionary activities. Voinich had to take part in another revolution - a revolution in cryptography. He took up the antique business, opened his shop and began to travel around the world in search of rare editions.

In 1912, fate brought him to a mysterious book, the language of which until today is considered unsolved.manuskript-voynicha-reshili-rasshifrovat-pri-pomoschi-iskusstvennogo-intellekta_1.jpg

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