Do you know the difference between a VPS and a dedicated server?

in vps •  3 years ago 

A VPS, or virtual private server, and a dedicated server, unlike shared hosting, give your site its own resources. However, they do it in somewhat different methods and at drastically different price points, so make sure you pick the proper option for your needs.                       

We'll examine VPS hosting vs dedicated hosting in depth in this post to help you understand the essential differences and choose the best option for your needs and budget.

The following is a table of contents for the book:

  • What is a virtual private server (VPS)?
  • What is the difference between a dedicated server and a shared server?
  • VPS and dedicated servers: managed vs. unmanaged
  • Cloud VPS hosting versus. VPS hosting
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of VPS hosting over dedicated hosting?
  • The best VPS hosting companies and the best dedicated hosting companies
  • Which #hosting choice is better: #VPS or dedicated #server? CLICK TO TWEET
  • What is the difference between a virtual private server (VPS) and a dedicated server?
  • We must first define these two forms of hosting before we can compare them...

What is a virtual private server (VPS)?

You still share a server's resources with other users when you utilise a VPS. Unlike shared hosting, however, your site will still have dedicated resources in its portion of the server.

For example, if the server has 8 GB of RAM, your VPS may only receive 1 GB of that. The crucial point is that you'll never have to share that 1 GB of RAM with anyone else; it'll always be yours.

A VPS hosting company divides these resources by using a hypervisor to generate virtual machines for each customer on that server. It's not necessary to comprehend the technology; all you need to know is that each VPS account is entirely isolated from the others.

Let's use housing as an example. A virtual private server (VPS) is similar to a condominium complex. If you own a condo in a building, you have complete ownership. Your neighbours can't just take over your living room for a big house party (that's how shared hosting works!).

You don't, however, own the entire building; you're still simply one of many condos. This implies you can't, for example, decorate the entire structure. Because you're still only one tenant on the server, you won't be able to change the hardware to meet your specific demands.

What is the difference between a dedicated server and a shared server?

A dedicated server, as the name implies, means that your website will have the entire physical server to itself (s). Instead of getting a portion of the server, like with a VPS, you receive the entire server.

In addition to possibly increasing your resources, this strategy gives you complete control over the physical hardware within your server as well as the software that runs on it.

For example, if you prefer AMD CPUs over Intel processors, a dedicated server gives you that flexibility. You have complete control over every piece of software installed on that physical system.

Let's return to the housing example. A dedicated server would be equivalent to purchasing your own home in this circumstance. You are the sole owner of that structure; it is all yours. Furthermore, you have complete control over the design of the entire structure.

Defining some other important terms

Aside from the VPS vs dedicated server differential, there are two more key phrases to comprehend in order to thoroughly comprehend VPS and dedicated hosting.

VPS and dedicated servers: managed vs. unmanaged

There are two types of VPS and dedicated servers:


All you receive with an unmanaged VPS or dedicated server is the fundamental hardware. Then it's up to you to set everything up and keep your server running smoothly. You'll need to install more than just WordPress; you'll also need to install the underlying technologies.

If you want to use WordPress, for example, you'll need to set up PHP, a web server (Apache, Nginx, or LiteSpeed), and so on.

Unmanaged suppliers, on the other hand, are far more complicated. They're really only useful for programmers and technical users.

A managed VPS or dedicated server, on the other hand, is the polar opposite. You still get the dedicated resources for your site(s) with this setup, as we explained earlier. Your hosting company, on the other hand, will configure, manage, and maintain the server for you.

For this reason, managed servers are more expensive than unmanaged servers. Unless you're a highly technical user, though, it's worth the money to obtain a managed server so you don't get bogged down in the technical details.

Cloud VPS hosting versus. VPS hosting

Another word that can be confusing nowadays is cloud hosting, often known as cloud VPS hosting. The basic premise of cloud hosting is the same as that of a standard VPS, with one major exception:

Traditional VPS — your site uses a portion of a single physical server for dedicated resources.

Cloud VPS - Your site's dedicated resources are distributed across numerous servers (the "cloud").

Many forward-thinking providers have switched entirely to the cloud VPS model since it is more flexible. However, for the purposes of this article, it's perfectly acceptable to consider a VPS and a cloud VPS to be the same thing.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of VPS hosting over dedicated hosting?

PROS AND CONS OF VPS vs. Dedicated Server


  • It's far less expensive than dedicated hosting.
  • Even though you don't have access to the entire physical server, you still get dedicated resources for your website.
  • You can "scale" your hosting more readily, especially if you use a cloud VPS. That is, by modifying the virtual partition, you may quickly upgrade your VPS.
  • You have complete control over the software and hardware on your server.
  • Because your site is on its own physical server, it is physically isolated from other accounts (as opposed to being simply virtually isolated with a VPS). CONS
  • You don't have complete control over the physical hardware on your server.
  • It can be quite costly.
  • It can be difficult to precisely determine what resources you require (and changing resources is more difficult than with a VPS because resources are separated physically rather than electronically).

Should you utilise a virtual private server (VPS) or a dedicated server?

Most people will fare considerably better with a virtual private server (VPS) than a dedicated server, especially if you go with a cloud VPS provider.

A cloud VPS offers many of the same advantages of a dedicated server, but at a lower cost and with far more flexibility. This is why, by 2021 and beyond, the majority of organisations will be using cloud hosting rather than dedicated hosting.

A dedicated server is only useful for high-traffic websites with unusual hosting requirements. A cloud VPS is a better solution for most other websites!

The best dedicated hosting companies

If a dedicated server is a better fit for your needs, here are several nice places to start:

Blacklist offers dedicated hosting services.

Blackhost — a well-known service that offers managed dedicated servers for as little as $80 per month.

A2 Hosting is a reputable provider that offers managed and unmanaged servers for as little as $141 per month.

Web Pundits :  A well known name in the dedicated service industry with dedicated servers as low as 60 USD, they have an amazing feature of one day delivery of dedicated servers so its a great option for people looking for quick and cheap dedicated servers. They also give maximum locations when choosing in dedicated servers like Arizona dedicated servers, Germany dedicated servers, Netherlands Dedicated servers etc.

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Great post bro.
I took domain name from dynahost. but their service very bad. they did not respons even i knock them 30 times. people say the that, they are the best hosting company in Bangladesh
I will say, they are the worsest company in bangladesh.