Introducing V-Cloud: Streamline Your Development Experience with Cloud-Based Blockchain Management Services

in vsystems •  5 years ago 

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Getting started with a new technology is always challenging, blockchain development in particular has certain resource requirements that are necessary to deploy smart contracts, develop applications, and run tests. As V SYSTEMS grows, we are working to create new products that make blockchain development faster, easier, more secure and accessible to developers around the world.

To that end, our mission is to reduce barriers to entry for developers to deploy their blockchain or token projects with V SYSTEMS in a swift and easy manner. With V-Cloud, we radically simplify the developer experience with a set of pre-built services such as development and deployment server, token wallet and explorer.

A user will pay a service rental fee in VSYS to be granted a selection of cloud services that are essential to run your business. The service is charged with a subscription fee and pricing is automatically adjusted using a market based mechanism.

The initial version of V-Cloud provides a set of cloud computing services based on AWS Cloud to help integrate your businesses with the V SYSTEMS blockchain faster and easier. Users will have full control of your own resources and you can run your tokens and applications on the V SYSTEMS blockchain more efficiently.

The initial launch of V-Cloud introduces 3 cloud services:

1. Server

V-Cloud simplifies and streamlines existing server services to meet the needs of blockchain development process. You can rent a virtual server (VPS) with your VSYS coins to match your workload in a cost-effective way.

2. Token wallet

After setting up your V-Cloud account, users can create your own token wallet with a customized URL.

3. Token explorer

V-Cloud provides a tailor-made web portal that gives detailed information about your token, such as blocks, addresses, and transactions.

Why V-Cloud?

V SYSTEMS is the first public blockchain to offer these kinds of services. V-Cloud is a platform tailored for blockchain technology, supporting almost all technical functions necessary for blockchain and token projects, such as wallets, browsers and cloud server management.

  1. Streamlined process; V-Cloud pre-select a set of cloud services that cater to blockchain businesses with the highest
    reliability, which simplify the process for opening an account and setting up your own cloud.

  2. Tool selection; V-Cloud allows you to select specific pre-built tools and features to derive blockchain-based solutions
    tailored to your specific needs.

  3. Cost saving; V-Cloud offers cloud computing services that’s payable in VSYS to save your setup cost.

Getting Started with V-Cloud

Getting started with V-Cloud is easy. The login page will be announced next week, simply head over and follow the instructions on below Github page.

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