
in vyb •  3 years ago 

Colbert says on his show, "Please don't eat me, eat the baby." He went into the fog to meet Satan. Tom Hanks probably ate babies. Probably raped children. Same thing goes for many celebrities, politicians, and others. They are in bed with Satan.

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2008 - Joey Arnold Screenshot at 2022-04-03 16:09:30.png

A random photo of me I just discovered from 2008.

Oatmeal Daily - 2022-04-03 - Sunday | Published in April of 2022





In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg


12:00 AM
Don Lemon and Epstein.



2014-05-25 Me 01 FAV AVATAR.jpg


08:30 AM
It is true many celebrities and others were abused, some of it is related to trafficking and a variety of things. Children are raped. Tom Hanks may be involved in some things. Colbert was joking around about sacrificing a baby to Satan. It's easy to hide the truth in the fog of comedy. Easier to dismiss it when it's packaged under the veil of humor.





2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg


08:45 AM - Discord
Do you want to be on my live stream on YouTube? If so, I could send you a link. We can do the video stream via Stream Yard. I am free in 8 hours, that is around 05:00 PM PDT. Part 5 could continue with a brief outline of my life in Vietnam. You mentioned the Pagoda. After that, something happened at the Remi Cafe. Something happened at the place I was staying at in the Thu Duc District in 2014. There is a story with a man I met at the Pagoda who went on to get me room at another place. I taught English at the Mr. Ribs BBQ restaurant in District 4 which you mentioned. That started around the summer of 2014. I became homeless around August. The Circle K thing was in October. But then got a new apartment at Old Ink and had that for around 12 months. Then I was unable to extend my visa in December of 2015. I continued teaching but would go on to be homeless in 2016 to 2017. So, I was still teaching while being homeless my last 2 years in Vietnam.

I auditioned for Wanted Adventure Host around October of 2009. I appeared on the first episode but didn't make it past the first round. It was on a local television channel in Oregon, USA. It was on Comcast Sports Net or something like that, channel number 38. I was feature in commercials as they were promoting the show on TV. People would see me in the ads.

When I was in Vietnam, I would teach English in person. I have talked to people via Skype or Facebook Messenger a few times. But my classes were usually in person. I would teach different places at different times. Sometimes I had several different classes and groups of students at the same time. I would ride my bike to different places teaching. There are videos of when I was on Wanted Adventure Host, my classes, etc. Gotta go. Be back in a few hours.

The guy I met at the Leaf Pagoda in February of 2014 was Dai Trinh. He got me an apartment. I was teaching him English for a few months. He said he wanted to start an English center with me. But that did not end up happening. He would try to help me find students. He would talk to me about the pagoda. He said he would talk to pagoda about me. He was also involved in the thing that happened at Remi Cafe. He met my friends at FYG who started the Mr. Ribs BBQ restaurant. Now, in some ways, Dai Trinh may have been the one person who got me to leave the pagoda. I was staying at the pagoda because I wanted them to answer my questions. But then he came and persuaded me to focus on him. He said he was friends with the people at the pagoda. I don't know if he was only trying to help the pagoda get rid of me. I don't know enough to know what his exact intentions were. But I did help him with his English. He would pay me. Also, he did help me get an apartment which was across the street from his house. I don't know if he was working with the Vietnamese government like under cover or if he was just a random business like man.

I auditioned for the Wanted Adventure Host show in 2009 at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon, USA. So, that photo is of me there. That's good, you're able to help people deal with pain via the medical marijuana. I've been on TinyChat.

I taught English at some homes in Vietnam sometimes off and on. I arrived in Vietnam around 12:30 PM ICT, Thursday, the 29th of November of 2012. I was in the north of Vietnam for the first 74 days. I taught English at a few different houses, coffee shops, a center, things like that during that time. After that, I flew down to Saigon on Sunday, the 10th of February of 2013. I started working for a school and also a center in March. So, I had 2 jobs at the same time early on in my life in Ho Chi Minh City. I would teach random people sometimes off and on. So, students and classes would come and go. Some classes would last a few months. Some classes lasted longer or shorter than that. Some classes had over 30 students or more. Well, maybe only one of my classes had that many. A few classes may have had more than ten students. Some of my classes was just one student, AKA I was like a tutor sometimes. The age of my students varied. Kids. Adults. I started teaching at another center at a high school in September of 2013. This was during my pagoda days. I also taught other places. The kids who were dancing to that Psy's Gangnam Style music video parody were taught at a house in the Thu Duc District. Some houses were also coffee shops, stores, businesses, etc. So, I would sometimes teach at houses. Some of those houses were just houses. Some of those houses were other things too. I taught English at houses sometimes in 2013, 2014, and then probably less often from 2015 to 2017. A wide variety of things would happening off and on simultaneously over my time in Vietnam.

I've not done a good job over the years of presenting myself to the world. I find myself to be interesting. I can totally understand anybody who would think otherwise mostly because I did not take the time to organize my content. But not to say I didn't try to sometimes off and on over the years. It's not like I was not aware of some of the problems in my life. The irony of it all might include how in a hurry I was to finish my projects. Over the years, I was always just trying to get things over with and that would sometimes include my Arnold Attic project which I started working on in the 2000s or maybe in 1999. That project involved videos which dated back to 1996. Many times my attitude was to finish that project as soon as possible. For example, I was especially trying to finish it during my Christmas break in 2004. I graduated high school in Oregon in 2004. I flew over to New York for college. I flew back in December and was spending that month working on the Arnold Attic. But there was a part of me that didn't really care about the Arnold Attic. So, I was trying to do it as fast as possible. But in doing so, I probably did a bad job at that time. The moral of that story might be that you shouldn't take too many shortcuts in life. I'm not sure how many might be too many. Because I don't want to say shortcuts are always bad. But I would say an attitude and perspective that is too in a hurry is dangerous. As I reflect on my life, I see many life lessons and everything. I can see how I was a jerk. I can see how I messed up. I believe in learning from those mistakes and in moving on, simple as that.

@MemesWorld#7258, I would say to the best of my knowledge that you were the first to make a documentary about me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. The videos you made on me were excellent. The video Dead Wing Dork made on me may not be a documentary. Well, it sort of a quick overview. But it was more random and such. Nick Becker was trying to make a documentary on me in 2010 but he ended up not finishing that as far as I know. He was filming me but I'm not sure what happened. I guess he went on to do other things. There may have been a few people expressing interest in making videos about me over the years. But nothing came of any of that as far as I know.

@MemesWorld#7258, the first 4 episodes of your documentary on me is pretty cool. I would say where you take this series is up to you. It may depend on which things you choose to focus on. For example, you could choose to focus on actual videos of mine for example or you could try to focus on my entire life as a whole which would include not just my videos but my entire biography. I'm happy to suggest ideas, suggestions, information, to help guide you. I would say focusing on my entire life would probably take more time. Focusing on just the videos may be and might be more surface level in some ways. If I was you, I might try to focus on just the videos at first and then go back to do an even deeper rabbit hole dive into the man behind the videos and everything. But again, it depends on the documentary style you choose to emphasis more on.

02:48 PM
A documentary could be theme driven, location driven, people driven, topics-interconnection driven, genre driven in style, certain topics and subjects driven, or even chronologically driven. A documentary could choose to jump around in the timeline to help paint pictures and show patterns and such or a documentary could perhaps attempt to go in a boring chronological order in an attempt to outline and survey highlights of a given autobiography or what have you.

If I were doing a documentary on my life, which someday I hope to do, I would probably divide it up between the two centuries I lived in. After that, I would divide it up into decades and then cut the decades in half and focus on each set of five years in my life. But then again, what I might be describing might be more an archive or outline approach as opposed to an actual documentary kind of thing. But then again, there ate many different ways of going about biographies, documentaries, commentaries, outlines, history, satire, parody, etc.

03:02 PM
A core fabric to my being is pretty analytical. So, my desire and preference during the course of my life (off and on I guess) would generally be to quickly outline my life in a scientific fashion as the wannabe Bill Nye The Science Guy that I am. After thoroughly archiving my life in a very boring fashion, then I would want to make Arnold Attic Teaser Trailers or random videos that would be clipped from the archives and journals of my boring life. Well, I don't think my life is boring. But from an outside perspective, it may seem to be boring or what have you. On a personal level, I believe in archiving as much as I can in a chronological or alphabetical or otherwise fashion. That's the scientist inside me trying to get out. In other words, there is a part of me that might be too serious like a scientist or doctor or what have you that prefer order and logic and everything from the left region of the brain. But then there is the other part of me, as seen in the right region of the brain, that is totally and utterly insane. Somehow, I've married the two extremes into one body of paradoxes.

06:54 PM
I really don't know how much you might know about me. There is pretty big Joey Arnold rabbit trail you could go on. There was a bunch of drama going on about me on a Facebook group called Another side of Vietnam (ASOV) on and off for years now. People started talking smack about me in that group many times since 2013 or 2014. Some of them were making crazy memes and everything about me. So, then some people started recognizing me in person in Saigon because of what was happening in that group. The drama started dying down after like maybe 2018. I've archived some of it but not all of it. I've talked about some of it on my blog. I may have made a few videos on some of it. I was in that group too trying to defend myself. I would get kicked out of the group for trying to do so. I would sometimes create new accounts just so I could hop back in or I would use some of the other accounts I already had. A documentary about me would not be complete without diving deeply into the depths of ASOV and maybe even other groups like maybe Vietnam is Awesome (VIA). But most of the drama happened on ASOV. I'm sort of like an urban legend in those groups. I would sometimes walk down Bui Vien Street in Saigon and foreigners would call out my name. I would have no idea who they were but I was famous or probably more like infamous in their mind. They may have made a few videos of me, we had a few conversations. But I can't seem to be able to find those videos.

07:18 PM
YouTuber Mr Duncan is from London, he teaches English online, and he has almost a million subscribers. He knows of me. He was talking smack about me in the comments on Facebook and YouTube on and off for years now.

07:23 PM
I don't know if I should make other Discord servers or not. But the main purpose of this Joey Arnold Discord Server might be too boring and everything for most people. I've decided to keep this Discord regardless as my official Discord Home. Not to say I should never ever ever someday create more interesting servers, channels, etc. But the intent of this server is simply me. This is my home. That is it.

08:17 PM
What is ACE? Is it American Collegiate English? No. I figured out what it stands for. ACE means Accelerated Christian Education. It does look interesting. I am looking at their website.

09:51 PM
Do you know Adam Edermo? Yeah. Sort of. Not personally but I believe he started ASOV or something. I remember seeing that name on Facebook for years now. The point would be to get different perspective on Joey Arnold. I will even tear myself down sometimes. I don't totally know what Adam may think. I would do at least one episode on ASOV if not more. I'm still thinking out loud, I would need to try to summarize all my thoughts on the ASOV Saga. A brief outline of the drama was some guys brought me up on ASOV. They were asking who or what I was basically. One of the first posts was a photo of mine where I say I am a teacher. So, people on ASOV would ask if I really was a teacher. And then people would comment. And the threads would go on and on about me on and off for months. Some people would say a variety of things like that I was retarded and stuff. Over time I became a meme on ASOV. I was basically the AOC meme before AOC was a meme, but a similar type of bimbo blond or retard like meme kind of thing. I was sometimes reacting and sometimes not. It was on and off for me over the years. I would follow it for a few days or once a week. I think I was trying to follow it as often as I could the first few months or so in like 2014. It probably started in January of 2014 or before that. But at least by then at the latest. So, I was often trying to follow it. But less often as time went on. And the ASOV drama started dying off after maybe the summer of 2014 but then came back during the Circle K thing. ASOV probably started in January of 2014. The Pagoda Drama started mostly in February. Circle K was in October. I have the dates on my blog, these are rough estimates. There is a video at the consulate? When he said consulate, maybe he is conflating it with the Circle K videos. I used to try to contact him long ago. I think he would block me on Facebook. Sometimes I would say crazy things on ASOV because I wanted to play off the character that they thought I was. If somebody thinks I'm crazy, I have no problem pretending to be crazy. So, for those who don't me, I won't go out of my way to convince them otherwise. So, I have written crazy things on the Internet on and off for years. I've said crazy things in videos too. Some of it might be accidental. But some of it was deliberate. As an actor, I don't have a problem with playing a character or what have you. Some of the people who knew me pretty well in person would include Sawyer Frye, Lincoln Hawk, Jeffrey Walters, Mike Kurtz, Matt Kurtz, Kaitlin Wood, Bill Bailey, etc. The irony was I was banned from ASOV and yet they continued talking about me. That is the funny or sad thing about life, how people will choose to believe whatever without looking at the details. And I am not going to say I never have tunnel vision, but I do try to be aware of it when I can. My mic in my videos seems to be either too loud with background noise or too soft. I am still trying to find the right balance. Yeah, I'm using OBS. My laptop is pretty old, I think I bought my laptop in Vietnam around 2015 or 2016. It makes loud noises sometimes. So, I will need to eventually transition to a different computer before this laptop dies. Maybe not today but someday. Still working on that. I live with my parents near Seattle. I make these videos in my room. Yeah, a green screen. Yeah, cardboard. Good ideas. I am the Original Green Oatmeal. I am Bumbaloe. I am the Cool Kid. To be technical, my parents are not together. My parents divorced in 2008. My mom remarried the same year. But then that guy died in 2011. And then my mom remarried in 2012. So, I live with my mom and my step dad. Who is Casidy? Some people want me to return to Vietnam. So, I think about that.

I think I have heard some people say that to me over the years, that I got allure or a hook. Some of it comes from the crazy side of me. And what is needed is a balance between the crazy and the serious. In the past, I was less aware and/or I guess it is a long story. Oh, I see what you are saying about me commenting on Dork's video and I may possibly agree with you. Me choosing to comment that many times was not exactly planned. It was more a gradual thing. There were different things on my mind when commenting on Dork. One of the things I was thinking was that it didn't really matter. I was partly coming from the perspective of I don't care what people think about me. So, I was mostly just reacting in live time and then I was copying and pasting my comments, all of my comments, to my blog. So, my attitude and perspective was trying to correct the record and to archive my thoughts. I also saw it as partial therapy for me. I don't want to say complete therapy. But then I ended up filming around 14 hours of reaction to Dork's video. I didn't see that coming. But I appreciate the empathy, sympathy, realization, or whatever it might be. Covid cannot stop me. Covid cannot stop me. I don't drive. I don't even have a license. I am 200 miles away from my hometown. Something like that. Like a few hours away. You mentioned end goals. My comment on that would be I am not exactly sure what my intentions are. In other words, I may not be fully on the same page even with myself regarding priorities and everything. I am a bit of a mixed bag. You could say those things but I would say I am focused on working on things. I do interact with people sometimes at church. I help out at youth group. I help out around the house. I often feel like a slave here with all the work. But it is good work. But I do feel like I could and will get to stopping point with the projects I'm working on right now. I don't totally know what my family and friends think about my online content. We've talked about it a few times on and off over the years. So, their thoughts are not much. I think people think very generic things about me. People who know me in person kind of know I got some stuff online. Their opinions and thoughts on it are probably varied. They have seen some of it. Rick is slow to respond because he is often busy in Honduras. My thoughts on the matter is that I do what I do regardless of what people think. I do what I do for many reasons, good or bad. I asked Rick if he wanted me to help and I think he said no or it was a hesitation. My thoughts vary, it really depends, a part of me can find reactions to be funny. I do care about what people think and how people feel. Part of me is always smiling. But why I am smiling and smirking can be because I am thinking about several different things at the same time. I have trouble talking because my mind is ten times faster than my mouth. Even writing can be hard.

10:58 PM
I wrote the SORRY article with everyone in mind. I think people can get something out of it or I better rewrite it or something. I think my real friends would enjoy watching your videos on me. A real friend can handle anything. Please ask questions again if you feel I didn't answer thoroughly enough. I sometimes give you quick answers. I may not always flesh out the answers and responses. I am choosing to be more political because I like politics. But politics is downstream from culture. I am 37. People should take care of their country regardless of which country that might be. I don't really like politics or I mean I prefer freedom. I would agree, I would prefer to be politically agnostic as much as possible. There are many things I don't know but I do know I would love to have my own website. In other words, some people may not get the full context to who I am, I agree. I was building Mea Omnia. That website was ok.

I was using Wordpress through GoDaddy to build the Mea Omnia website. But they kept on asking for more money. They would say we got too much traffic and would ask us to upgrade and pay hundreds of dollars a month. I don't remember, but this was before Vietnam. I don't think the traffic really was too high. But I don't remember if I checked for an exact number. I went on Wanted Adventure Host in 2009 and met Brent Groth. And then we decided to start Mea Omnia around 2010. We ended up abandoning that website around 2013 or 2014. Some people say I am a troll. Some say I am spam. I get a wide variety of reactions over the years. I pretend as if I'm a public figure like Will Smith. I know compared to Will, not very many people know me that well. But I act as if I am in the public spotlight or I at least try to sometimes. My thoughts on Will Smith is ongoing, I have an article that I am trying to write about it. To slap or not to slap is not really the most important thing to be concerned with. It's multifaceted. If you're asking me about why I have so many blogs, it's a long story as I would make different blogs over the years similar to how I would make different accounts on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. It's an ongoing evolution of trying to start different projects and it is also a desire to get around censorship simultaneously. I wanted backup accounts, sock puppets, etc. I wanted to do different things at different times. I would watch a lot of TV at times in life and then other times less so and now my average is maybe two hours a day. But I usually keep a log of what I watch and when. I include my commentary and include it in my daily blog posts. It's ok but not my favorite. I love Severance. The plot is they put a computer chip in your brain. You go to work and have no memories of your life at home and vice versa. Which is legal I believe. I don't necessarily agree with all of the actions I've taken in my life. That would be another reason to say sorry to the world in a sense. I've made foolish choices or what have you. But on top of that, I don't always delete my mistakes. Based on what you have said, you would be more likely to delete your mistakes or what have you. But I have chose not to many times. I disagree. When you watch a video, you are literally downloading it in a way. But they say there is a difference between downloading a video and watching the video online. But technically, it may be downloaded into the RAM, the cache, the CPU, things of that nature. It may not be technically downloaded into HDD or SDD as in the hard drives. But to be technical, the differences is so small. So, my point would be if one was illegal then therefore the other one would be illegal too by the same logic. Because RAM memory and hard drive memory is almost the same thing. One main difference is RAM might be more temporary. And don't get me started on how I feel about copyright as copyright was never originally intended to be applied to digital content which technically doesn't generally exist in one location and is in some ways not tangible or not any more than wind, water, electricity, and thoughts might be tangible. Is streaming legal or what? Hard to say but it reminds me of the FBI warning on VHS tapes. I was sort of flirting with Kathy. I felt like she tricked me into a relationship with her. But it was partly my fault. I've had mixed feelings about it. I went to Vietnam because of one girl in 2012. And then I went to Saigon in 2013 because of this other girl. But then Kathy was this third girl. The second girl said goodbye to me because of Kathy.

The Kathy story is long. She met me in Saigon in February of 2013. I stayed at her house until April. She would drive me to work. She begged me to buy an electric bike many times. Eventually I agreed. But it was slow and I only drove it a few times. Her mom donated the bike and the bought me Vietnamese lessons at a college. They said they compensated for the bike via the lessons. I said I didn't agree to the lessons. Originally, I didn't know the lessons was the compensation. It was made clear until later on. So, I would say Kathy Stole My Bike. When I got paid around April, she wanted all my money. She also wanted me to marry her and take her to America. I said no. She said goodbye and dropped me off at a hostel.

I wanted to travel since I was 8. I would sometimes chat with random people online over the years. Eventually, I started chatting with Joy Sanchez via Skype, a Filipina teaching English in Bac Ninh, Vietnam. I would talk to her sometimes on and off for months. She would sometimes encourage me to come teach in Vietnam. After about a year or two, I went on to do just that. I was debating with myself for months whether or not I should go. And then I was thrown in prison. And then I ran off to Vietnam four months after that.

I think the pervert memes started on ASOV around 2014. I was thrown in prison for interfering with a fake 911 call in July of 2012. I don't think Adam originated it. I have the names of some of the people somewhere. In July of 2012, my dad's GF, Robin Baker, was yelling at me. My dad is Donald Melvin Arnold. He was born to Peter Rasp who was born in the Netherlands. This was Friday the 13th. I came home from work and was cooking dinner. She was complaining. I calmly said go to your room. She said I'm calling the cops (similar to what the pagoda said in February of 2014 and similar to what the manager said to me at Circle K in October of 2014), and I grabbed the phone from her. She pulled out her other phone and called again. I don't remember if Adam replied or what he said. I would need to check, a lot of it is a blur to me. Because that drama was ongoing for so long. I was chatting up with so many different people over the years regarding ASOV. I have a hard time keeping track of who said what as I would talk to people on both sides of the debate. I would talk to people who liked me and others who didn't so much. I think she is still with my dad. She would say to me she has changed since then. I was talking to her a little in 2017 and 2018 in person.


Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

What Are You Doing Ruff Ruff 2015.jpg

Shining Vale: 106: Whispering Hope

2022-04-03 - Sunday - 12:27 AM - 12:59 AM - Shining Vale: 106: Whispering Hope

Good day to die. Daughter is singing at church. Asian says baptism would protect the daughter from the demon. That is a silly thing to say. Catholic priest baptizes her and says she is now saved. But baptism does not save people. You get baptized to let people know you are already saved. Just a public declaration. Neighbor is taken over by the ghost or demon and is led out of her house and onto the pole or spike of the new fence the husband was building. She is dead.

08:00 AM

Colbert says on his show, "Please don't eat me, eat the baby." He went into the fog to meet Satan. Tom Hanks probably ate babies. Probably raped children. Same thing goes for many celebrities, politicians, and others. They are in bed with Satan.

06:26 PM
Chrissie Mayr - SimpCast 19- Buck Angel, Melonie Mac, Keanu Thompson, Brittany Venti, Anna TSWG, Chrissie Mayr

I am already all simped out. My favorite karaoke moment was not even an official karaoke song. Something happened off camera. My fav moment was when Brittany Venti was singing something off camera. Some of the karaoke was exciting. Brittany reminds me of the female comedian who played the mother in Mama's Family. The one and only Carol Burnett. Technically, Chrissie looks like Carol. Brittany should do her Russian accent. Chrissie should do her Frosk impersonation. Together, they would be a force to reckon with. Anthony Cumio's karaoke style was pretty good.

Old Hags Produce Old Eggs.

Don't make me look. @Chrissie Mayr, how am I supposed to know what kind of dick I got? I need somebody to look at it and tell me what I got. I think a dick is like a balloon animal, it molds into whatever it is inside of. I do not recognize Madonna. Madonna looks so different here. Madonna is doing the Michael Jackson, assuming she is changing her face. My first impression was this was some random woman in her thirties. Carol Burrett is almost 90 years old but looks better than Madonna. Was that Madonna? I thought it was the Planet of the Apes.


Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps: All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Daily Oatmeal Post. Welcome to the Oatmeal Daily with your host, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Each day, I publish these entries, posts, articles, web pages, stories, etc. This is mostly a personal blog, diary, journal, or autobiography. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining. However, the template here is mostly that of a boring log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Dear diary journal blog, I got up at 07:40 AM, forget my dreams, 6 or 7 hours of sleep. Breakfast, 07:55 AM. Sunday school in Esther 8 and a little in 9. Sermon on forbidden Jewish passages in Isaiah around chapters 53 and or verses which spells out Christ. Messianic Jews choose to look at them. I was outlining my life. I was looking at the history of Persia in my book. She was not there. He was sitting in my spot, so I sat in my original spot. I do the table setup as normal each Sunday. Didn't want to help the lady across the street. Raining. Folding box bag, stuff brought in by me as I normally do each week but this week with that box for the first time I think. Pound it. The man who trimmed the cherry tree. Hearing good or better than usual. Due to popping ears and stuff maybe. Was taking compost out of the older side of the tumbler with a shovel, filled up the blue container which used to be the old compost place before we got that tumbler. I also smashed up and freed up the new side which is pretty full. Special spelling to Nicole noticed and mom mentioned it today. Lunch, 01:11 PM. Dinner at 5 or something. Discord. Facebook. YouTube. Food log: Breakfast: apple, coffee, 07:55 AM. 2 bananas. Lunch: rice, soup, meat, green beans, all together in a bowl as usual, 01:11 PM. Dinner: soup stuff, 5 or something. Footnote: You can find my blogs hosted and mirrored on different websites. Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here. The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs.

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