I said I’d share my truths after I left work. So truth is “WORK SUCKS!” But you guys already know this. Even if you love your job, which I did, you miss out on so much.
My kids are now 5 and 2. And I made a promise to my 5 year old a couple of years ago that I would stop working one day and work from my computer at home so I can be with him and not miss everything.
So it brings me tears of joy to think here I am in my living room working from my computer and hanging out with him. But it hasn’t always been easy.
I started working at 15 1/2 to be able to pay for sports equipment so that I could play soccer and softball. I was the only sophomore with a job at my school. My schedule was school, practice, followed by work.
Even after I graduated it continued… college on my days off of work… full-time job at Sam’s Club, and part-time job at Century 21 on my other days. (I mean, school and bills don’t pay themselves).
Somewhere along the way I got FIRED from my full-time job at Sam’s Club. Given!!! I had worked there for 8 years!!! But my career with Sam’s and getting FIRED is a WHOLE other story for another day.
After I had my oldest son. I started running an authorized retailer for DirecTV. The idea was, run my own business and be able to spend as much time as I could with him. The problem was, it didn’t work out that way, I worked 10-12 hour days and never got to see him. And even though I was making GREAT money, most of it was getting reinvested in the business. AND getting sued in the process didn’t help either… but again that’s another long story for another day. Quick disclosure, getting sued was not my fault. I take pride in being ethical. BUT the point is…. I WAS STILL MISSING OUT ON EVERYTHING.
I stopped doing that and went back to the corporate world. Back to a sales job with AT&T. Which I can’t complain about… hourly plus commission made for decent money. Just not ideal hours. And not always ideal working for others. At ONE point I had a manager from hell who was beyond rude and disrespectful. But we won’t mention any names. The problem is I was still missing out on everything!
So NOW I am happy to say that I was able to finally say I’M DONE.
So how did I manage to leave the rat race…. honestly, I minimized liabilities and I increased assets. I minimize how much I spend, I eat at home and I cook home cooked meals that cost very lil. I don’t buy unnecessary things. And I invest and continuously increase my knowledge and associate with people who are doing better than I am and it helps me position myself for success. There’s not ONE thing I’m doing… but a lot of different things. And I am continuously growing spiritually, mentally, and physically.
If you know me then you know that I’m pretty big on crypto and investing right now. And I have started day trading. I am also simultaneously studying real estate and taxes. So I am not quite sure where this journey will lead me to or what the end result will be. EXCEPT: I will be extremely well off. And I will have all the time that I want to spend with my family.
The best advice that I can give you is know what you want and create your reality.
My goal is to help you create your reality.
So far I have been able to leave an abusive relationship with my two kids and get engaged to my soul mate. Move into our own place and leave the workforce. I am currently working on bringing in a substantial amount of more money and becoming a bigger inspiration to my kids.
Take the time to meditate on what you want your reality to be and focus on getting there one step at a time. Don’t be afraid to take leaps of faith in getting there. If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my journey is to trust the universe. Even when bad things happen they truly are blessings in disguise.
If you have questions, want to share your journey, or need encouragement I am here for each and everyone of you. Contact me, message me or leave comments.
Angelica Sanchez