what in the wachowski is going on? brothers now sisters and it seems we can now use electricity to make protein from co2, is this real life?

in wachowski •  7 years ago 

ok firstly, whatever to what you wanna be in life. let me get that done outta the gate, boy, girl, trans, whatever you identify as that’s your wish, your calling, that’s your decision, you can choose, that’s your life. i have no issue with it whatsoever, that’s your call — it was however a bit of a shock to now have to say wachowski sisters made the matrix, but no problem. i too can adapt and update the information in my brain!

Lana Wachowski (formerly Laurence "Larry" Wachowski, born June 21, 1965)[4] and Lilly Wachowski (formerly Andrew Paul "Andy" Wachowski, born December 29, 1967)[5] are American film directors, screenwriters, and producers.[6] They are siblings, and are both trans women.[7][8][9][10] Collectively known as The Wachowskis[11] and formerly as The Wachowski Brothers, the pair made their directing debut in 1996 with Bound, and reached fame with their second film The Matrix (1999), a major box office success for which they won the Saturn Award for Best Director. They wrote and directed its two sequels: The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions (both in 2003), and were deeply involved in the writing and production of other works in that franchise.

see i’ve always super respected the words of the wachowski brothers, i mean sisters, that’s gonna take some getting used too. not only did they make the awesome trilogy of the matrix, which really should have been one or two films instead of stretching it out, they also wrote and produced V for Vendetta an absolutely classic in mine and others books i’m sure. another film of theirs i love was cloud atlas, a few people might have slated and hated it but i think that too was a visual and mental piece of art — it was like a tarantino film of the mind and ignited many feelings and compulsion in me overtime i watch it. it really speaks to me that film.

one of the big things in matrix was the story line regarding ‘the machines’ (let’s for a moment imagine the machines are blockchain powered and now have access to AI too ok?) that in the matrix we had a world between worlds, the matrix, the digital comms layer between real world and the VR (of today) illusion world painted over the top.

for those of you or have not seen the matrix you won’t really understand what i’m on about all the storyline but just imagine for a moment that the world is dark and the clouds have been polluted to stop the sun rays to come through and power the machines (think today, solar panels) thus the machines needed to harvest something else for power, turns out that humans produce electrical current in this matrix world so the machines set about harvesting us for power. oh the fucking irony of our intentions eh?

well, just recently i read this article from fast company that starts with this very bold title.. ..

These Scientists Have Discovered How To Use Electricity To Make Protein From C02


what? dayum.

everyday i’m reading and seeing all the pieces that have started to imitation art but also bring us closer to what feels like the end days. vr for the virtual world, food printers to print food at home, blockchain powered mining rigs that eventually will be tied to our food rations, all potential scenarios cross pollinating each other in the race for that human desire of progress. now don’t get me wrong, i love progress but not at the expense of losing our humanity in the process. am i the only one who gets stress and anxiety of the reductionist way we remove ourselves from the equation with each iteration?

of course this food from electricity and co2 is just in a lab right now with lots of expensive equipment and nerdy geeks playing with high end equipment, i’m sure they have a budget and contract to find and develop new ideas for instance to create new food from literally raw materials to aid in the feedings of all the livestock we need to keep the illusion that we can scale the needs of feeding a planet that is already using 1.7x times it’s size and cannot simply continue to do that.

The Earth is exhausted - we′re using up its resources faster than it can provide | DW Environment | DW | 01.08.2017

so why am i writing about it? why am i telling you about in a blog, what am i trying to achieve? well i guess i want us to be always be moving forward with our eyes and our minds wide open, that each of us has the ability not to change the outcome of the world, that’s always gonna be funded or crafted with however has the most influence, be it financial or otherwise — but, we can adapt and change and prepare the life we want to live while we are here.

we can grow our own food (hell, looks like even print it soon) we can adapt in the same way as we hear about all these things that are going to happen, sure it’s a foolhardy way of adapting and maybe making a little bit more time for ourselves in the process but i guess it all depends on the way you leave this plain. personally, i’m fine with the end, i’d just not like it to be from a perspective of ‘i told you so’ — i want to embrace it and not be arrogantly right about the end game but comfortable in the knowledge that i was privy to the potential outcomes.

the irony is that by maybe communicating at all, storing this on the blockchain, using electricity to power my machine and using the very devices that i connected to wifi for and the airwaves that i used to send this data to a bigger network of machines is exactly the nuances the machines expect. oh man, the irony of living huh? :)

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I thought it was proven they stole the matrix from a female author.

does it matter? i'll always see it as them. . . that's good enough for me.

anyone who creates will understand that having your ideas stolen (and massively profited from) is an act of absolute heartlessness.

ideas are just ideas, execution is everything. but thanks for your comment.

I haven't listened to this interview, but it should be interesting for anyone who wants to support real creatives:

i love progress but not at the expense of losing our humanity in the process. am i the only one who gets stress and anxiety of the reductionist way we remove ourselves from the equation with each iteration?

No you're not the only one for sure. Think one of the downsides to the superpower of being able to see every eventuality and outcome is seeing the awful ones part in parcel with the beautiful ones.

Love the idea that these developments in CO2 BASED PROTEIN (fucking hell that's weird to say) might give factory farms a run for their money. As you said, ma earth can't take much more.

Hard forks imminent. <3