Battalion langena ekuseni ngo-Ephreli

in wafcria •  7 years ago  (edited)

Kachin Ilokishi Army (KIA) nezihlubuki Kachin babulawa ngesikhathi kuhilizisana ezimbili KIA, wathi imithombo yendawo. EMyitkyina-frog Twin ibhuloho emgwaqeni ekamu lezempi-security (6) Battalion langena ekuseni ngo-Ephreli 6 kuhlasela ngokumelene okhulumela umbutho uColonel Naw Bu isiqinisekiso. Khona-ke, indiza usebenzisa Army, kodwa inhliziyo
yayibukhuni ခိုက်် wanezela. '' Army uhlangothi, ubuhlungu kancane, abakushoyo. Lo msebenzi elwa ukuze ubuyele isimo futhi kungenzeka, '' kusho okhulumela Army wathi. Impi futhi kuvele ulwazi oluningiliziwe ukuthi umthombo ngqo wathi. I izindaba zempi futhi kwezempi kwesokudla Imininingwane Yokuxhumana Inhlangano esemthethweni ngo-April 7, ukungaxhumani nabo efonini.

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