I have realised that lots of people still have the confusion on the actual direction of current flow so, i took this time to lead you on this little experiment to clear your doupts.
Well if you find yourself to be among those who are not yet certain about the direction of current flow, then read on and carry out the little experiment at the end of the note.
It is logical to think that electricity flows in this direction don't feel bad if you think or have the prior conviction that electrons(electricity) do flow from the positive(+) terminal of a cell or battery, through the circuit and back to the negative(-) terminal if i say your wrong actually because it is just a conventional current flow(assumed).
Now this is the actual current flow!
Now let the experiment start!
These are the materials you will be needing
tester screw driver,
LED and resistor
an AC extension cable
Step one: identify the anode of your LED, the longer leg is the anode. If u have i dentified it, attach the resistor to it.
Step 2: go to your mains wall socket,with your tester screwdriver, test for the live terminal.the tester will glow if you get it right.
Step 3: switch off the wall socket and extend it using the extension cable(warning!) Do this for safety.
Step 4: finally, plug in the LED and resistor into the extension and switch it ON. if it glows, reverse the terminals and check again. This time, it wont glow.
Now, to conclude, take note of its terminals whenit glowed and when it didnt.
I will be waiting for your reply!
See ya!
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