Before you commence to read I need to intimate you on something. It is all about the title. The title, NOTHING DEY is in the Pidgin English meaning NO PROBLEM based on the context if properly Englished. So wherever you hear or see the words together like that, they most probably mean NO PROBLEM.
Life's constructs have whirls here and there
Life's constructs pool about like the surge of sea billows
In life we are maize chaffs which the wind sends into the air in kilter
In life we are like empty plastics the sea billows bellow here and there
We wobble searching for something tangible or intangible
All in the name to make right names to survive right?
But I tell you:
Nothing dey
Even though we fly in the air dripping sweat as if we've just bathed
Even though the billows of life send us back and forth tiring us
Nothing dey
Life force us to zleep 💤 zo that can wake to work again
Life makes us to suffer so that we can enjoy
Life has force our eyes to cry just because we need joy
Life has forced us to take life just because we need to live
But I tell you:
Nothing dey
Even though we fly in the air dripping sweat as if we've just bathed
Even though the billows of life send us back and forth tiring us
Nothing dey
We must survive yes we will for we have the will
We must survive because the whirls and the billows have tired us well
We will survive because life had dealt us big blows on our foreheads
We will survive to reap our labours wearing the winning caps
We will survive striving hard through our test of time yesterday today
We will survive by singing out loud that actually 'nothing dey'.
© Jodekss or @Jodekss
Thanks for reading...
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© Jodekss