in wafrica •  7 years ago 


I am the aAfrican Child, blessed with the highest amount of melanin. My skin depicts my beauty, my nature depicts my strength.

From ancient colonisation to modern industrialization, I have been in the forefront of civilisation. Hardwork and courage has been my watchward. I faced the challenges of life headlong at full strength and came out though battered, yet undeterred. Undeterred to be who I am, undeterred to defend my race and colour, undeterred to explore my potentials and harness my skills, wait a minute, who am I? I am the African child.

For those who do not know me, listen to my history. Life and history itself has not been fair to me. Sometimes, I wonder, Why would life be fair, when I am not fair. So I decided I was not going to be fair to history. History wanted me to be seen as an animal, but I wasn't fair to history, history wanted me out of existence, but I wasn't fair to history, history wanted me in perpetual slavery and servitude, but I wasn't fair to history. I wasn't fair to history because I didn't give history what it wanted.

I have been through hell and high waters. The whites succeeded in undeveloping my territories . In ancient Australia, I was put in a zoo as sight attraction for tourist. what was my crime?- my colour. The whites, again, I say the Whites. they succeeded in painting me evil. No wonder when they paint Jesus and the Angels, they paint them white, but when they paint the Devil, they paint him black, indicating that the African child is devilish. This made me weep, sob, cry and for lack of appropraite word sad. But then in my sadness and despondency, in my deepest night of sorrow and weeping, I saw Light, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I saw hope, I heard a voice saying "I have a dream that one day my children will not be judged by the colours of their skin, but by the content of their character". today I am living that dream. Today I am free. Today I'm heard. Today I stand among other races and come out tops. Today I can boast of Martin luther King, Kenneth Kaunda, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Nelson Mandela, Prof Wole Soyinka, Barack Obama. So today, I declare today the day of the African child, I declare tomorrow the day of the African child, I declare the day after, and the day after the day after, infact, I declare the rest of my life days of the African child, cus through it all, I can boldly say, " I AM THE AFRICAN CHILD, I'M BLACK AND I'M PROUD OF MY SKIN, I AM THE AFRICAN CHILD, I CAME, I SAW, I FOUGHT AND I CONQUERED".

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These words go straight to my soul. I hope you stay proud of yourself, and that every beautiful African Child is just as proud as you are.

I'm always proud of my melanin. Thanks dude.