How Some Ghanaian ladies understand Dating

in wafrica •  7 years ago 


My fellow guys don't let this happen to you

I grew up to learn being in a love relationship is the greatest part of one's life. Hmmm this was interesting at first hearing.

I thought seeing is believing was not enough but curiosity killed the cat. Funny enough I entered into my relationship. And hell know engaging in some relationship is a lifetime investment. Here at my place less money less love, and you can just be kicked out of the relationship if She spots a new richer guy than you. Crazy!!!
But there's one thing a lady should understand in relationships, meeting the Guy does not mean your parents must be forgotten or you should carry all your burdens onto's serious how some ladies demand which is very bad. But she that encourages a guy and support each other enjoys the fruits of their Labour in life.This is to my ladies no had feelings.

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Well said bro......well said

Nice and wonderful post keep it up

Thanks bro

Stay e alert at all times, dear friends. Many people enter a relationship with completely different expectations from those that my brothers and I enter with. I have never looked upon a woman as a lesser person, a servant to do my bidding and to provide for me things that I haven't worked for myself, but rather as a companion and an equal. Sadly, society encourages us to see ourselves as providers to women and our families (which we proudly comply with), while teaching females to look for the best man they can find to look after them.

We are also taught to bow out gracefully when a woman 'moves on to greener pastures'. We are told to accept 'defeat and humiliation' and go back and work on providing more for the next one.

I prefer relations with those who seek nothing from me at all, but I never let your guard down so you're not disappointed. People are not what they portray themselves to be. Good luck ladies and gentleman.