Bantu Words in the New Testament

in wafrica •  6 years ago 

After a short introduction, comes a list of a few of the surviving words from the New Testament. These words where attempted to be translated at some point in time from Bantu (probably what is today known as Aramaic / Aram) to languages of the olden days such as Greek and or Hebrew (others also). But as we shall see, the translators was either deceptive or clueless. I favour the latter, as this certainly was/is a part of Gods plan.
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Now, The Creator of the World - So NiNi na NiNi knew that these translations and copying of books was bound to happen. He also knew that the original scrolls was going to be lost or had to be hidden until the time was right for the truth to come out.
Thus in the meantime He made sure that the message of the Gospel stayed pure and true, easy for anyone who has known but a little love to understand, a message not up for debate or could in any way be misunderstood if lead by His Spirit. The secret is to love everyone and pray for everyone, even those who hate you. The truth will come out eventually, and even all the untruths hidden within a person (knowingly or unknowingly) will come out in the end.

If you are new to this blog, much here will be strange and unknown to you, it is the truth nonetheless. Wether you choose to believe that things are not as they seem in this world or not. Its a choice you make, just as you choose not to learn about Bantu (Xhosa) linguistics or even embark on the road of becoming a medical doctor, there are things you can never know about this trade until you have experienced and learned about it for yourself.
Becoming a doctor takes time and will teach and make you wonder about things you never knew existed. Such as the dark recesses within the human heart, as it is the source of most ailments of a person. The place where wicked thoughts are born, the place where things hurt the most. Working as a doctor you will see much you never thought you would, such is the case with reading the Bible in several languages and tracing its origins to South Africa and a Bantu language. You will be shown more and more. Praise So NiNi !

As such also is the case with believing in God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth, but also the maker of your feet and up to the tips off your hair, and He is always ready to teach you something. So listen and try to learn. He gives wisdom to all that ask of Him, generously. The trick is to listen for His voice in Scripture and not care what other people say about this or that. Check them, before you take their advice and see if there is wisdom - first. Because people lie.
So NiNi do not lie. He cannot. There is one who lies though, and he is the father of lies and when he lies he speaks his native language. The devil wants to believe lies, false gospels, false history and if you fall for these you will ultimately fail. Because you chose to believe in lies. But, do not fret believer, if God is for you who can be against you? Is He not God? Is His arm to short to save you out of your current state, or is His ear shut so He cannot hear your prayers ?
He is So NiNi na NiNi, Creator of all things.

Consider this then, bearing in mind that a doctor goes to school pretty much half his life to learn what he ought about medicine and anatomy, still people get sick and stay sick. Some get sicker from seeing them on a regular basis, but thats another story all together. The point is, become a licensed doctor takes time, and understanding Scripture takes time as well. Everything that is worth doing, takes time and devotion to grasp. And then whatever you are investigating gets revealed to you over time.
Now, perhaps you have fallen under the strong delusion that you are well versed in the Bible, you think you know what the Gospel and following the Ways of Love really means. You might have some ideas even where the people of Israel are today, you might even have found your place as a Catholic, Lutheran or Adventist (so many others), seemingly on the right path. If you believe this, then you are in dangerous waters. And So NiNi will let you stay there if you so wish. But really, He wants you to come out of false beliefs and back on the straight and narrow. He wants to show you His people so you can help them understand the Gospel, by loving your neighbour as yourself. And learning about the Law written in the Books of Moses. Yes, it is still around both to be broken and kept. Let Paul guide you in understanding how to live according to the Gospel and the Law. Breaking nothing but living for love.

So NiNi wants to see how much you are willing to give up and to what degree you can follow Him. Letting go off all sins to get on the path and learn about His endless love as you go through this little time you have been given on this earth.

PHEW ! I realise now it has been a while since my last post, and I guess I some things to say. So I got evangelical, you that happens :)

Moving on, we will take a closer look at those Bantu words, left for all to see in the New Testament, words that seemingly mean nothing in Hebrew, but say plenty in Bantu (Xhosa). Lets Dive ! :)

First let me say, that each time in Scripture where it says, That is to say, we seem to have been given a clear cut clue as to the New Testament Gospels having been translated from Bantu (Aramaic) to Greek. Because whenever that is to say appears after a Xhosa word, the translators seem to be clueless of what this very actually means. What I am trying to say is that the copyists seem to be guessing on what the phrases mean as seen here under, the faulty translations.
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Here we take these seven different instances, where Bantu (Xhosa) words appear followed by the wrong translation. We will go through these one at the time.
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  1. Mark 5,41 - Talitha cumi - I say unto thee arise
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This one makes no sense because, in English or Hebrew for that matter, as tabatha (which means take it) kum (from me). After Talitha cumi it says which means, which should be one of those warning signs and trademarks of the copyist. It does not mean Get up or Arise, Talitha kum literally means take it from me. This is what Msindisi, Manwele (Immanuel) had to offer the young girl. Life. You see the little girl was dead and He brought her back to life. And He offered her to take it from Him. And you and I as believers can take life from Him, as He is the source of all life.

Talitha Cumi = Take Life from me.

  1. Matthew 27,46 - Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani
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Almost every person has heard of this one, as replicated in the Psalm 22, My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? Used in modern times as THE symbol where Manwele, God Himself, doubts in His last hour. This notion undermines the whole Gospel. How can God doubt? Say He was doubting or calling on God (for that matter), why did He not use Gods name. Why did He not say So NiNi, So NiNi, why have you forsaken me? L or El is what the Persians used to call their desert god, so I call this another historical want and need for something that just aint so to fit with something that definitely aint so. Why, because its nonsense and in Xhosa He is saying something very different. But so much more interesting. As this concerns the Sabbath, the day of rest. Also this place has the phrase that is to sayin it, which again, means: we dont know, but we think....

Eli, Eli, el amasabathane=This, This, is for Sabbath Keepers`.

  1. Mark 7,34 - Ephphatha
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Another guess (that is), where Ephapatha translated as be opened, actually means something closer to touching on face or the action of touching someones face. Now we do know what Manwele was saying when He looked up to heaven, He probably was praying and saying that this mans sins was forgiven, but what we do know is that He was touching the mans face, to heal him. In the Old Testament this word is used in reference to Isaac, being blind, phaphatha Jacob to verify him.
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Ephphatha = Feeling/touching around.

  1. John 20,16 - Rabboni
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It is Khaboni and not Rabboni or Rabbi (Master) as the modern Hebrews have made up for themselves. Khaboni is a clan name, and does not mean master, but the clan of Khaboni. Using your clan name shows great gesture of seriousness. It should be used in situations of importance and is addressing the person with utmost respect. So Khaboni is what Meriam used out of respect and the heaviness of the situation used Manweles clan name.

Rabboni = Khaboni (clan name).

  1. Mark 14,36 - Abba
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This one is interesting. Because Abba certainly does not mean father, that is Bawo or uBawo, or your earthly father which is tata. Abba means these, which could be whom He (Manwele) was praying to or praying for. He might have been praying for His disciples at the mount of congregation. He was certainly praying to the Father on the mount of Congregation, and Manwele did most likely not pray only for Himself but also for His apostles being just down bellow on the hill. He was in prayer mode while up there and the whole chapter is all about the Disciples and praying for them (these - abba). On another note, why would He say, Abba (Father) Father? Its because He didnt. He meant another thing. Not very important but important enough when knowing that priest walk around calling themselves abba. Strange but true.

Abba = These.

  1. Mark 11,9 - Hosanna
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This one has been covered several times, not only because it is so obvious but how very interesting it is in thinking on how it has been passed down to people not in the know and people that are. The words are very similar, on a phonetical level. Just imagine people from further north, not Xhosa speakers perhaps Tsonga or Greek even, trying to render the hordes of people shouting Nkosana. All you would hear would be something like Osana, Osana ! Thousands of people was shouting Little Prince or little King - Nkosana. Which does not mean whatever the modern Hebrew calls it, come to think of it, they dont even have the faintest idea what it means to this very day. Another mystery word, we dont know what it means. So silly. Thats essentially what all these Persian myths are about, Smoke and mirrors. Mysteries baked with half truths. Seek those that know, the people of South Africa.

Hosanna - Nkosana (young King).

  1. Matthew 5,22 - Raca
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Raca, to be short, is a cuss word. And probably related to the god amen-ra, a character (made up mind you) that certainly was around back in the day, just as people are worshipping him (amen-ra) today. This will be covered greatly in an in-depth article on Amen-Ra and how he is worshiped today and mentioned after (in closing) in so many prayers. Its just wrong. So NiNi does not like this, and I believe this is why many prayers just dont get to where they are addressed. But hey, people just dont know any better. Thats why this is so important to get out there.
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Ra then is a cuss word, and if you analyse the text below, you see that saying Raca puts you before the council but calling somebody a fool gets you in touch with hell fire. Why this? Old councils in the old days, Council of Trent and Council of Laodicea, was actualy places you could be put before, for calling on Ra or breaking Laws in the books of Moses.
Now the next punishment is much worse, why? Because you are calling the person standing before you, or even worse you are saying it behind his back, that he (being created in the image of So NiNi) is a fool. Thereby you are calling this person created in the image of God a fool. Not something that is taken lightly.
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Could this also be that Racas people, are people dedicated to Ra? Perhaps not that far fetched when considering the different fates of the people of Asia.

Raca - Ra
Mentioning an Egyptian god by name would most certainly be thought as a cuss word in Biblical times, what do you think ? Exodus 23,13

Why can we say that a branch of Bantu could have been the lost Aramaic language linguists claim to know very little about.
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If you ask a Bantu person, he will plainly tell you what an Aram person is like. Being both poor and depressed. Being an Aram you was seen as an outcast by the ancient Bantus, a sad and depressed person.
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Allot to chew on I am sure

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Uxolo lube nawe

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