
in waiting •  4 years ago  (edited)

im waiting for that 3080 while i sit here on the floor checking mails, since i cant afford a new chair yet after the last one literally ripped apart as i sat in it (the metal) and i need new glasses first which costs at least an NFT which i cant afford either. I have nothing to say that will make me look better than i am . Time cant be hacked, the closer meeple moves towards the speed of light away from the core of the universe the less pictures there will be in his everyday. IF i were an NFT fund manager who wanted to revive 2014s cryptokitties, i would inflate my first-ever on christies as well since anyone in the kabal thinks in billions not millions. Its high time the chinese start cranking out their own chips since the american way of doing nvidia and amd is really bad for consumers and someone needs to sue them for inflating numbers with nothing but the next quarter and 'we will produce' a whole lot which they cant deliver xept a small batch for the ones who promote the numbers to be inflated as the stock rises. The countries relatively worst hit DONT refuse astrazeneca as their decision making so far has been flawless and i still dont know who had the audacity to open my mail without any kind of order or paper or anything and why there is an article in the constitution on just that and that alone so conclusion : all humans are total shyte, cant be trusted and if the rules dont apply to you they dont apply to me

no its not even a monologue : i heard a better one even : "sony and microsoft agreed on one thing : 'if we buy the limited stock it drives the prices up to a point where no pleb can afford but our outdated-by-the-time-of-shelving-boxes are cheap enough, the only way to get them to pay that monthly pass"

far-fetched ofcourse, like vaccine manufacturers overpromising, underdelivering and getting away with it

... that time will come since governments ... ( #anarplex ) "the state" is never in fault

gud ?


- you ruined my life

stole my future

and now prevent me from just sitting here and gaming while i suffer from severe brainfog

plz to fuck off k thx and stop pushing, im powering down, this account is closed

no, no and NO, if i sit here like this for only ten minutes i already get that clamp round my neck

so the game is postponed too but that was never gonna be ready anyway

so FUCK YOU and your whole fucking planet

get ready for



read it dont reddit

on top of that ... its a nice try btw but one thing is : if your hypothetical parent is hyperintelligent and hyper-advanced it can create the perfect lifeform to boot and further evolution is no longer required, but i guess that would make for a REALLY short article ...

between cryptokitties being re-branded NFT and meeple getting $70kk (good for him is it a him but im still waiting on the first "my nft didnt sell at christies and i lost money on it story, so far everyone is making millions, GOOD !! FANTASTIC) and this and that

satoshi now has been officially raped in the ass : morgan stanley allows access to BTC for clients

who already have at least 2 million in the bag

so thats the end of that then

they got their paws on it

... ????

NO , its closed, the more i read the closered it gets

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geez would like to help .. im sure things will pick up just a matter of time

ah well - im not starving or anything (au contraire, since the folks cant get to France im probably at the risk of developing acute diabetes anytime soon) - its just sometimes hard to figure out why im so strong that i'm not dangling from a rope for 20 years ago now , seeing what i see and saw with plenty others

im not on discord anymore btw, i heard microsoft is gonna buy it and i feel they got enough cameras in my underwear already , i checked out sphinx but you basically buy 10.000 messages for x sats there (its nice enough though for certain uses) but they who have do have my email i suppose

theres a new lockdown here so im actually kinda chill, problem is sitting on the ground is not really a prim position for a bit o' the old programming and i certainly need new glasses first since i feel these are more like ruining my eyes the more i use them

we'll after wave 5 when the south-african variant negates all who did astrazeneca and how many months it takes before they have to start at essential number one, which might be way not enough to get it all done so its gonna leave a whole chunk out and a lot of elders half-vaccinated but

i have no doubt things run a bit more smoothly in canada, i cant shake the feeling they are using the same darts board they do for every-day "whats the next tax" decisions

genki :) no worries about that part (things are kinda picking up for steem here i see ... its ageing, like last years beau jolais lol)

thanks for the concern !!

hii , good to hear things are moving again :) yeah this vaccine stuff has to many if'ss when the world foremost expert in infectious diseases has reservations and they talk him down as crazy, for me that's a flag that puts all this inoculation business into question so personally, i think ill wait before i wipe out my entire immune system to avoid a cold ...
