It's finally come TRUE.."THEY LIVE".....

in wake •  7 years ago 


Do you hear that? Of course you don't. And why SHOULD you? The levels of static noise is BEYOND DEFEANING! We're inundated with constant CRAP! Politics, the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR BILL, Left vs Right, Men vs Women, I won't even bring up all the "reality" television being shoved down our's suffocating us! So much so, that we can't get one fucking train-of-thought to morph into an ACTUAL idea...which can then take on another form in and of itself. They keep The breads and circus going so we can't climb outside and see the shennanigans that have been going on on the other side of "The tent."

The older I get, the more the world exposes itself for what it TRULY is. I'm sure most of you would agree with that statement. I can't help remembering the '80's movie " They Live," with our old hero wrestler, "Rowdy Roddy Piper". If you haven't seen it yet, then you should probably pause what ever it is you're doing and take a couple of hours to watch it on YouTube and bring you into the fold of things. It's as corny as they come, but BY GOD IS IT DEAD ON ACCURATE! SCARY ACCURATE!!!

I remember watching this movie as a teen saying to myself "OH MY GOD, how cool would this be if it were real!" Rowdy taking out the scumbag aliens with Intratech 9mm submachine pistols and HK mp5's. Teleportation watches, etc..

I thought to myself, " I COULD ONLY WISH this were real life, because I'D BE READY TO WASTE THESE DUDES". We'll, fast forward 27 years later and here I am. LITERALLY, watching the movie play out in FUCKING REAL LIFE. Only this time...I'm pissing my shorts as a full grown man rather than clutching onto a G36 machine gun with some cool shades like Rowdy' s. What happened to me? What happened to US?

I'm not sure at what age I figured out elves weren't real, or when Santy Clause was my next door neighbor's dad, but I DO remember the exact date I found out the world was not as it seemed. I joined the U.S. Navy at age 17, and by God did I ever get a REALITY SMACK-IN-THE-MOUTH!! I finally realized that the movie I had watched so long ago, and had hoped of being real, in a childish way, WAS AS REAL AS IT GETS! And I'm coming to realise that I wish I had stuck with that Disney movie my sister wanted to watch that day. Lol. Just kidding. Look, when it gets down to it, we know how evil the world is getting...and that's giving the demons who walk the earth a lot of credit. I mean.. shit was pretty fucked up back in the days, but these devil's have got the game on LOCK!! And it's all pretty much because the human race has decided to stop caring about what is important and REAL, and have decided to care more for the things in life we can't take with us when we move on to the next chapter. Let these huminoid/demon/aliens have their fun on this plane, soon the light will be cast upon them and they will be exposed to everyone far and wide. They only succeed based off of our own ignorance, greed, and malfeasance. Work on ourselves, on our inner-beings, and the rest will fall into place.

No Rowdy Piper shades will be necessary any longer once we get that part down. Ya dig? tumblr_kvtfzjS22B1qa3nkyo1_500.jpg

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing this! This is an awesome movie and I think everyone should watch it.

My 2nd blog post. Thanks! Hope you follow and read some more of the content ive put out.

I made a video meme with the new Bitcoin Private Fork and a clip with the movie they live check it out its on my page and Dtube!

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