Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/29/18> Official announcement forth coming: US Government to relocate Nation Capitol to Las Vegas, NV

in wakeupamerica •  7 years ago  (edited)


Look forward for this...

You can expect that a joint announcement from congress and the President of the United States of America will be forth coming right after the midterm elections in November saying that the Nation Capital currently located in Washington, D.C. will be moving to Las Vegas, NV. in the not too distant future.

That would be at least a half way honest attempt on the part of government to let you know what is going on. Very seldom does anyone in government speak the truth and really say what exactly government is doing and why. They have this tendency to place everything that is of real importance to the people behind the curtain of “national security”, that way they can keep from telling us the truth. Remember the saying, “the truth can set you free”, those in government know that saying; and so you are seldom told the “truth.”

Why Las Vegas...

Stop and think for a moment about Las Vegas, NV. What are some of the things that come to mind when you do? Naturally gambling would be the first thing people think about when you think about the city of sin. Some other things that come to mind are entertainment, bright lights, legalized prostitution and that the place never rests, it is balls to the wall 24/7 all 365 days a year.

The perfect place...

Las Vegas is the perfect place to relocate the headquarters for the US government and I will explain why, so stick with me here as we go through it. When I am done explaining I don’t believe that anyone could make an argument against it, so buckle up, and let’s go for a ride.

I am going to skip right over the gambling for a minute, but I promise I will come back to it before we conclude; it will just fit better toward the end of our discussion than in the beginning, so let’s look at the entertainment. One of the biggest attractions in Las Vegas from an entertainment stand point is the masters of illusion otherwise known as the magicians.

People flock to Las Vegas and pay pricey sums of legal tender to watch these magicians make stuff appear and disappear right before their very eyes. I’m not talking about just little stuff like pulling a rabbit out of hat or making a bird disappear in thin air. These magicians in Vegas are really good, the can make large items like cars, and even larger buses disappear in the blink of an eye.

They have even been known to take a saw and cut pretty ladies in half in a wooden box, spin those boxes all around the stage and then slam the boxes back into line and make all the body parts line up and come back together and really work; all without as much as a drop of blood ever being spilled. One thing about these Vegas magicians is that at the end they almost always make what disappeared come reappear right before your eyes.

More masters of illusion...

The people in congress and the senate are masters of illusion as well and would feel right at home in Las Vegas. They have been taking ordinary things that we have and belonged to us and have been making them disappear for years. Just to name a couple would be rights and money, they are constantly taking those away; but unlike the true masters of illusion that work in Las Vegas, our masters of illusion that work in Washington can never seem to make what disappears ever reappear. Moving the federal government to Las Vegas will give our elected officials an opportunity to see how the reappearing portion of the act is supposed to work.

I would love to see our rights and real money come back into existence; this fiat “legal tender” is an illusion of money and the really sad part is that it has been around so long people actually think that it is money. If you go check the founding documents of our country you will find out that the only “lawful money” is gold and silver coin. So just how is it we have this bogus paper crap called Federal Reserve Notes masquerading as money? I can’t stress enough that there is a big difference between the words “lawful” and “legal” but I will address that again some other time, but you might want to learn the difference on your own, and I highly encourage that.

Who wants to party...

Legalized prostitution would fit with our government officials very well; there are so many elected officials who have been compromised in some fashion because they just couldn’t seem to resist getting some extra mud for their turtle. They go to some party and wouldn’t you know; some hot looking fox just happens to hit on them and then the next thing they know they are in some hotel room buck ass naked and doing the deed with this little hottie; while their wife is back home in whatever state they came from.

All the while there just happens to be a video camera taping the events of the evening and the next day the politician is shown the tape. That’s a really big “OOPs” on the part of the elected official and now he is under the control of the puppet masters; otherwise the Mrs. just might get a copy of the video along with the news media.

The legalized prostitution would work well for those old men who just can’t seem to get enough at home and whose wife might not be into all the kinky stuff he has learned while in office, so when the government moves to Vegas he'll just pay a few hundred bucks and get his rocks off and if it ever comes to light that he did it he can always claim it is legal and he did it for his country.

For the country...

Yea, that’s right; for his country. He helps make the laws, how can you regulate something if you don’t know how it works? He is just doing his duty as an elected official so that he can make an informed decision on how to regulate the prostitution industry. They say it is the oldest profession in the world but things change so he has to keep up with this stuff, who could argue with him on that? Maybe only his wife, but that is between him and her.

Is it really a gamble...

So we have finally made it to the gambling, see I told you we would, locating the government headquarters in Vegas makes perfect sense, this way they won’t have to be flying back and forth across the country wasting valuable time in some corporate jet that the company is providing them transportation in. If I’m not mistaken some of those trips and transportation might be illegal in their own right, but moving to Vegas would eliminate the need to try and figure out just where they stand on whether the trip is above board or in a grey area since they will already be in Vegas.

Meet me at the Rio...

This way all that bribe money can be left very easily by those they are taking it from. A lobbyist can just say “meet me at the Rio, I’ll be in the high roller room playing the $100 slots” and when they walk in and make eye contact with him he will just get up and walk away from the machine he was playing, and they can scoot over there and sit down and play. The politician doesn't need to pay any attention to the fact that there are 1,000 credits on the machine; he can just have fun and enjoy himself for five minutes and then cash out the machine and take his voucher to the cashier window and collect his $99,000 he “won”. See how easy that can be?

Its a piece of cake...

Plus all the drinks are free and our elected officials will surely be considered high rollers and get most if not all their meals comped. ( Microsoft Word is telling me comped isn’t a word, that just tells you how old my computer is. I guess Windows 7 really is old now that I think about. Good thing I don’t use my other lap top, it has Wlndows 98 and not even wi-fi capable) I am trusting that comped is a word.

Hell, I’ve even had a few meals comped in Vegas back when I use to go there when I was single; and yes, I do know all about the Bunny Ranch Brothel, let me rephrase that, I used to know all about that place many, many years ago, well over thirty five in case the Mrs. is reading this Daily Dose.

So what; if...

Honestly, I am surprised that our elected officials haven’t figured out that Las Vegas, NV is the perfect place to move the seat of government to. So what; if all new buildings would have to be built.

The taxpayers have plenty of legal tender that government hasn’t managed to confiscate yet; this could help solve that problem. If raising taxes just won’t sit well with the taxpayers just borrow the money like we have always done in the past by selling bonds to fund the construction.

No bitchin or complaining...

The generations to come that will be responsible for paying those bonds off haven’t even been born yet so they can’t bitch or complain. I mean, we are doing it”for the children”, right? Seems everything we do is “for the children”, saddling them with more debt and no way to pay off the debt makes perfect sense; otherwise we wouldn’t have been doing it since the civil war. We didn’t get over $20 trillion in debt here in the US using sound fiscal policies; so what would be the sense in trying to implement such a system now?

The wisdom in it...

I am sure that some staffer in congress will see this Daily Dose and see the wisdom in it and before long the official announcement will be made that the US Government is relocating to Las Vegas, NV. In order to be in a more “centralized location”, but having read this you will actually know the real reasons.

Now some of you might say that, “no way we can move the US capital to Las Vegas, NV.” and to a certain degree I would almost agree. Except somewhere in Washington, D.C. there is a document called the Constitution of the United States of America, but since we no longer follow it, it can just remain there with all the old buildings as a part of history.

The rest is history...

The government can do whatever they want, who is going to stop them?
Pack your bags Baby; we are going to Vegas, to see how the real government works. #wakeupamerica

Until next time,

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We all can only wish to be good.

To be good at what?

Government decision we have to accept ?
According to planning they taken decision.

Sadly probably so, if they read this.

I really hate to see you besmirch the reputation of such a fine town as Las Vegas with out any argument. So here goes.

I was in Las Vegas for a little while on Friday, all day Thursday and a while on Wednesday. Otherwise known as 3 days two nights in Vegasese.

Penn and Teller are relatively honest show business folk and I guarantee they would never even begin to try some of the outrage our Congress enacts. It's not illusion in DC, it is just outright lies. Illusion suggests that there is a possibility that a thing is as described.

Don't you go be giving prostitutes a bad name, Prostitution is a contract for a service between two consenting adults. I never, ever gave my consent to the bandits in DC.

It's a pretty slick setup to pass a little money back and forth between lobbyists and elected officials, but there is a flaw in that plan. If they do it that way the congress member would have to pay income tax on the amount and you KNOW that isn't going to happen.

In the end, I think Las Vegas is simply way too honest to be able to host a fundamentally dishonest business like the government.

Thanks for a great post. I enjoyed it, obviously.

Thank God your trip is over and you are back where you can keep in contact and point out the error in my logic, everything you detailed makes perfect sense especially about the cash out. Now please delete your comment, so that that staffer won't see the flaws in the move to Las Vegas. Otherwise they will just keep the government in DC and it will be business as usual.
I don't know that this is a more dishonest area than DC that they could move the government to. The only other place that comes to mind would be Chicago, but with all the murders that take place there each week I think they would fear for their lives there.
It would be hard for them to concentrate on their number one priority, which is getting re-elected, if the were worrying about getting shot everyday. Damn, some of them did get shot in the DC area not that long ago while they were conducting some very high level top priority government business called softball practice or maybe it was baseball, some type of ball game though. So maybe they already are dealing with that fear.
I guess they could dig out that old piece of paper known as the constitution and actually start following that and then maybe their fears could subside, that might be an idea they could consider.
Cancel deleting your comment, the best idea might have been in the last sentence of this reply, and I am sure the staffer will read all the comments and not just the post. So maybe there is a chance something good will come from this daily dose.
Thanks Tom. Glad to have you back.

Governments have been shovelling horsey doers for so long they don't the difference between horsey doers and cow pies. Obviously, the average voter doesn't mind swallowing it and being kept in the dark. Mushrooms thrive in that environment. As long as the fake money keeps flowing into the piggy trough, things will remain as they are until the crunch hits and then it will be every rat for themselves. The government systems the world over are broken. Not even badly bent. Paint will no longer fix that little red wagon. The wheels fell off a long time ago. Sorry, @sultnpapper. I read this on a very strange morning in zoo-topia...

Very well animalized Cici. Broke along with broken it surely is.