Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/07/18> Here we go in the “Time Machine” … destination 1948.

in wakeupamerica •  6 years ago 

Before we fire up the Time Machine and head back to 1948 let me just say that Blondie had a wonderful birthday celebration yesterday and I think she really likes her new Samsung phone that she got as a birthday present. She wanted me to tell ya'll "Thank you" for the birthday wishes.

Okay, I’ve got the dial set for 1948 and the destination is Washington D.C. so I’ll just flip the switch and mash a couple buttons and we are off to the past.

Date line: Washington, D.C. !948 A.D.

Legislation originally authored by Karl E. Mundt , a Republican representative from South Dakota, in January of 1945 that would become to be known as the Smith- Mundt Act was signed into law by then President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948 at which time it became effective.

Spinning WW II...

The United States had just come out of a six year battle in September of 1945 that was known as WW II and the government powers in Washington needed to do some explaining to the world on just what the war and the United States post war position was all about. If you desire to look up the exact legislation and read it for yourself, which I encourage you to do, it’s formal name was “ Smith-Mundt Act” and the long title description of “An act to promote the better understanding of the United States among the peoples of the world and to strengthen cooperative international relations.”

You can also look it up under the name of “United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948." The act provided among other things the exchange of people involved in education including students, teachers, professors, trainees and guest instructors. It became the foreign student exchange program that we experienced growing up and still takes place today.

It also allowed for professionals to go between different countries and work with countries in their fields of expertise. The main thing in this act was that the federal government, through the office of the Secretary of State, controlled all the information that would be disseminated abroad and also what information was to be allowed to be brought into the country by foreigners.

Government hymnals...

The United States had a lot of government propaganda that they needed to spread around the world so they made sure that everyone who was going abroad was “singing from the same hymnal” for lack of better way to say it.

Most importantly...

Another and very important part was that the government was prohibited from disseminating that same propaganda on the citizens here in the USA.

Well thank God; it would be a damn shame if our government was like all those communist countries that spread their propaganda to their citizens.

So, we were protected from the government brain washing taking place by the United States government in foreign countries which was in full force after WW II; that was 1948.

We need to move on right now and take us a little further up in history so hold on while I reset the dial and take us forward from 1948 to 2012. This won’t take but a moment.

Date line: Washington, D. C. 2012 A.D.

All right, glad you survived the trip. A lot of things changed between 1948 and today, May 10, 2012, but things are really changing now. It is, for the recorded, May 10, 2012 and the 112th Congress of the United States of America is in session so let’s take a peek at what our elected officials are up too.

Just so you know, I am a proud Texan and I have a tendency to call things as I see them, just saying.

Well on this day in history a piece of shit Texan named Mac Thornberry , a Republican from the 13th district, introduced an amendment to the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948. I call Mac Thornberry a piece of shit because that is how I see him based on the things he has done, and after I further explain, I think you will see him with the same disdain that I have for him, along with every other government elected official that helped in passing this amendment.

In the trash...

All of the protection that was afforded to us with the Smith – Mundt Act of 1948 was essentially thrown in the trash can with the introduction and passage of H.R.5736.

H.R. 5736, A BILL , (it was a bill all right, and it has cost us dearly), “A Bill to amend the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences, and for other purposes.” That’s right; all the government propaganda that we had been spewing all around the world was now allowed to be rammed down the throats of the people of this once great nation.

Another piece of...

The president that signed this change into law is another big piece of shit named O’Bama. The health care system we now call O’Bama Care pales in the amount of damage done to this country as compared to what H.R.5736 has done but not a damn person is even talking about wanting H.R.5736 repealed.

No one is talking because no one knows...

The reason is that your government controlled news outlets here in the United States did very little reporting on this change to the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948. If for some reason you have the believe that the US news media is not government controlled you for one had better wake up.

When every major news organization covers the exact same story, at the exact same time, using the exact same wording to describe the context and content of the story you can rest assured there is government behind it. That doesn’t happen by accident or coincidence, it happens by design, government design.

It is bad enough that the government has lied, cheated, and stolen from its citizens since 1933 and earlier but now, I guess in order to feel good about themselves or protect their own asses if we ever actually wake up, they passed the law that gives them basically immunity from breaking what would have and should have remained as law.

Screw the records too...

Not only can they disseminate false information and propaganda they can also put anything they want into the public archives. So the Congressional records that I have always told you to go read and learn the truth about what takes place in Washington now can’t even be trusted to be truthful and most likely haven’t been since this amendment has taken place.

Naomi Wolf is a name you might recognize; she was a political adviser to Bill Clinton. In a question and answer session after a talk she had given a question was asked by a member of the audience that had to do with the Boston Marathon bombing that took place in April of 2013. Her answer about that “event” was very revealing on several levels and it took her nearly 10 minutes to explain and answer the question.

The most revealing part of her answer did not even come from her, but came from an audience member when Naomi had to ask if the law had actually been passed and when.

This author / journalist is tied in pretty deep in the Washington circles, you would think with as liberal as she is, she would have known about this change that took place. Do you think that maybe the government didn’t want this change to the Smith- Mundt Act of 1948 to get much notice? It sure appears that way to me. Here is a link to that video clip so watch it now.

Just seven months...

I might also mention that the amendment, H.R.5736 ,took affect just seven months before the Sandy Hook school shootings. Whoa, whoa, whoa,… before you run away shouting “Sultnpapper is a conspiracy theorist.”, did you watch the video link I provide for Ms. Naomi Wolf?

I didn’t think so; in fact, I probably would have skipped right over it myself, with the intentions of going back and viewing later. So, I’ll just wait right here and when you get back after watching the video we’ll continue on.

We back now...

Okay, thanks for watching that , as you recall she mentions how the CIA and other intelligence arms of the US government have created “events” in overseas countries in order to create a desired effect on the population of those countries. She used the terms such “theater “or “spectacle” and she said she was even “skeptical “of certain stories herself.

She said citizen journalists are becoming necessary now, and essentially the news media can no longer be trusted. And what is being reported as news events could very well in fact be government theater designed to drive a certain response from the public.

Thinking caps not tin foil hats...

So let’s think about this for a minute. You are the government and you want to take away the right to bear arms; what better way to get the people of your country to support you taking their rights and guns away then by killing a bunch of innocent school children?

Of course you aren’t really going to kill the kids you are just going to hire a bunch of crisis actors and put on a production, some “theater “, to make it look like you killed a bunch of kids. Just like the CIA has done in foreign countries for years in order to push an agenda.

We interrupt your...

Then you can turn around and have every “news” agency report on it and have all these grieving parents scream for gun control. All the while your propaganda is hitting your citizens right in the face; but the citizens don’t know that they are supposed to now check what is real and what is fake acting, so to them it is real. The actual informed citizens who know the score, go check it out and punch a bunch of holes in the story and the next thing you know they are all a bunch of conspiracy theorists.

The words...

Half of the science you learned in school is all based on unproven theories; there is nothing wrong with theories. Only now; the media has vilified the words conspiracy and theory when used together since it is tied in most cases to exposing government corruption. The media will protect their masters; the government.

Two birds with one...

Talk about killing two birds with one stone; that scenario is the ultimate right there. You not only got the uninformed people ready to give up their rights and guns , but you also got those same uninformed people to hate and never believe what the actual informed citizens have to say.

Did it work that well in the foreign countries when the CIA did these productions, or is this just an American thing of more bangs for your buck? I trust nothing that the government says or does; it is because I know how the game is being played, and now you do too. The same goes for the media, I trust nothing from them as well.

There is proof...

The proof that these types of events are taking place right here in the USA is overwhelming, but most people just couldn’t imagine such a scenario taking place, so they choose not to believe or even look at the evidence.

Open your minds people and go look for yourself and read the documents, don’t take my word for it; I want you to know firsthand what it is we have taking place here in this country. Then go study the news coverage of those events like Sandy Hook, the Boston Marathon bombing and the Florida night club shooting with an open mind and decide for you what is real and what is not.

Another dirty little secret...

The government also realizes that we have a bunch of people who will copy what they have done, the only problem is, those shooting and deaths are real. So by creating the template all they then have to do is sit back and wait for the copy cats to get to work mimicking what they have done. We really have some sick bastards running these alphabet soup agencies like the FBI, CIA, DOJ and Homeland Security.

We are no different now...

Propaganda is not limited to the communist countries that you have been told about by our government officials. Those officials liked the communist way of using propaganda so much that they have incorporated into their playbook for use right here in the USA.

Was I wrong...

Go read about the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and H.R.5736 and then come back and tell me that the people I referred to as "pieces of shit" are not exactly as I described them. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it damn sure needs to be told, so #wakeupamerica.

Until next time,

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Excellent read @sultnpapper and couldn't agree with you more. I didn't know about Thornberry or forgot it. I do remember what Eric Holder said about gun control and brainwashing people against guns. I never believed the full narrative on certain events as we were told. It's a hard subject to even bring up so I commend you on that and I love that you tell it like it is. Truthfully though, I believe the brainwashing on US citizens has been going on long before Thornberry but may have made it even easier. Look at the narrative on JFK and even Hitler for that matter. I don't and didn't believe the official narrative on either one and look at how much has come out on both. Before people get on me about the Hitler thing. The part I don't believe is that he killed himself. I believe he escaped and our government knew it.

There is no question that the gov has been brainwashing people for years. Since the 50's and 60's, but it was not a full scale assault on the public. I guess they weren't happy with having to be selective and just targeting certain groups. This opened up the entire country as fair game, but the absolute worst part was that they could now "doctor" the official records so as to hide what exactly congress is doing to screw the people.
When those became able to be compromised, we truly have become a communist country. I really hate to say that, because I love my country but I damn sure hate what it has become if that makes any sense. And if it does, which in my mind I am sure it does, I would hope others would feel the same way and start questioning their damn elected officials.
We don't have to be continued to be lied to and cheated by the government but we have to wake up and smell the coffee for what it is.

It is almost scary how things have become and I see what you were saying about making the entire country fair game now.
Makes total sense to me as I feel the same way and felt like that for a while. I'm careful though to do some research on certain matters and definitely don't watch msm which is a total propaganda machine. I do feel like more are waking up so I always like to believe there is hope.

Very interesting clip! To my mind, a so-called rationalist who unquestioningly believes everything reported in the "news" or "newspaper" is every bit as gullible as a so-called conspiracy theorist who unquestionably believes everything reported by Alex Jones. Thinking for yourself and researching behind the headlines is key. I clearly remember when the Boston Bombing story broke, and I immediately had questions about it, because (this was back in the days when I used to listen to the "news") it was the headline story for about five days, while other seemingly important stories, including a fatal explosion in another part of the US, in which several people were killed, and a major earthquake in Iran, did not even hit the headlines. I just thought, "There's something odd about this", without reading or watching any other "conspiracy theory" material on it. And that made me want to investigate more, which I did. It was a very, very disturbing event that raised a lot of unsettling questions in my mind.

There are a lot of people who have examined the news media's own videos of the Boston Marathon "bombing" and have broken it down nearly frame by frame, or I guess it is now "bit by bit" since we are digital.
A couple things I found interesting was that the plastic banners that were strung along the steel pipe pedestrian barricades to separate the runners from the crowd along the sidewalks are intact after the explosion yet all the bystanders and runners were hit with steel shrapnel from the bombs. Those banners should have been shredded to pieces, just like all the pants that those bystanders were wearing.
The other part was actually seeing these crisis actors using "blood packets" to create their injured looks. Also the other thing that really stood out was the guy in the wheelchair that had his leg, "blown off" , documented as a crisis actor by several independent citizen journalists.
There was also a teacher that "died" in the Sandy Hook shooting that was in the crowd at Boston as well and was interviewed by the mainstream media as a "witness" to the bombing.
You can't make the shit up and don't need too, it is right there if you just look at, which I know you did, so my comment is really aimed at others who have resisted the temptation to be awakened.
Thanks for read and great comment.

1948 was a bit before my time. Not a long ways, but before to be certain. So anything I say about Smith-Mundt would be what I've read. Which in some areas is significant.

I believe Smith-Mundt was 'codified' because of events and happenings in WWII. We (and our enemies) discovered that public opinion counted in the prosecution of the war. From the mindless bombing of London to the systematic destruction of Dresden the civillian mood and terror affected the way a government could respond.

We (the allies) set up an entire fake invasion (led by Patton) of Germany in 1944 that was brilliantly successful. Forward troops had recordings and huge speakers that broadcast false movements through out Europe. Several of these were so successful that the powers that be noticed and continued the practice of deception after the war.

I remember well in 1957 when Sputnik was launched. The American people were shocked and amazed that the backward Communist asshats in Russia could use a ballistic missle to send an object into space that could cross our borders every 90 minutes and theoretically spy on us at will. I stood in a parking lot of a closed Piggly Wiggly store in Portland Oregon for 3 full revolutions with my father and his uncle. I do not remember the discussion at all, but I do remember the concern. And just the fact that those 'early to bed-early to rise' farmers stood there drinking coffee until 0200 made a mark on me that never left. It was so completely out of character that my 6 year old mind can recall the night clearly.

So. The spin machine was no where near as good then as it is now, but it churned into high gear and blanketed the US with 'don't worry, be happy' news. Chet and David and Walter were a part of that team, as certainly as I'm sitting here typing this right now.

So here I've written a post sized reply and not even come close to the original question. Just an side story to confirm what you said. I trust you will bring this topic up again so I can take another swing at it.

Thanks. Just thanks.

Your story and your trust is well placed, as I will bring it up again I am sure. It seems that in order to get thru to people in this day and age you really have to keep the message in front of them and keep repeating it.
But that is something that I have to watch so I don't become just a one topic person, I like variety and I am sure others do as well.
Based on the math I put you as 5 years senior of my age, so we basically grew up in the same "age", I don't have any recollection of that event since I would have been still nursing back then, but I have several memories of early sixties and the race to space as it were.
The three you mentioned were definitely on our television set with the evening "news" just like you described.
Thanks for the read, comment and support and you will certainly get another swing in the future.

A country (insert name here) by the sheeple for the sheeple...This has been going on for decades in whichever country your care to name. Trust your government. After all, they know better than you. They are involved in every aspect of our lives. It is scary and people just snooze right on through believing the whole world is heading for a very rude awakening...

I believe the reset button has been pushed and the ensuing mayhem will not be pretty. The only thing we can hope and pray for is a better end result.

Yes, sheeple. I can't argue with you one bit in your response for sure,, but I will add some so others might think about what you stated, "After all, they know better than you." For the sheeple that damn sure is an accurate statement, the reason being is that same government educated those sheeple, so that government has all the confidence in the world that theirpeople sheeple don't or won't have a damn clue at what is truly going on.
Nicely done Mam, and very much appreciated.

You are welcome. I just call it as I see it!

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