Few days ago i received my cousin at the bus stop located few kilometers away from my house. indeed he came here to buy some mobile accessories which are hardly available in his area.
So that was a great time for me as we had a great time.
After recieving him from bus stop we came back to home and my mother cooked some special foods for us and we ate the food and went out for the walk outside my house.
There is a stadium about 2 kilometer away from my house. We went there and talked about mobile accessories and about some other things.
We discussed a lot of things. He is very kind to me. We enjoyed the walk much and take some pictures during the walk in stadium.
there was no caretaker there so we went up the building inside the stadium and took some selfies.
after taking this picture I asked him about his jacket that from where he bought that jacket he told me about the Shopping Centre and he promised with me that he will send him a new jacket as a gift similar to this in a few day.
let's see he keeps his promise or not.
one more picture
I don't know why I made my face like this but it is good. after that we went back home and my cousin decided to go back to his house so he left my home. we enjoyed a lot at the stadium.
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