in walkingintheshoesofother •  7 years ago 


Hi everyone, I am here this morning to talk about something that we all do not really take cognisance of and that is walking in the shoes of other people. So many people who have it all going well for them do not even think of what other people are going through. There is this adage that says before you cut a three in the bush with a cutlass, first use the cutlass on yourself and know how it really feels. Some of us judge other people's action without having recourse or respect for the motive behind such actions.



I am going to use a scenario (a personal experience) here for you to really understand what I am talking about.
I am a lady in my late 30s, got married in my early 30s and have a lovely daughter, on the other hand I have a friend (bestie) who is in her late 30s too, who is yet to be married and yet to have a baby. As I write this piece I am already worried that I have not been able to have another baby and each time this thought crossed my mind, my mind razed back to her and I tried to put myself in her shoes, one, she's not yet married, yet to have a baby, and here I am, married with a baby and I am still complaining.


Another Scenario

You and your friend both graduated from school, the next year, you secured a job and five, six, seven years down the lane this your friend has not gotten a paying job, you now met her at a party not looking so good, and you start to mock and ridicule such a person, do you know the kind of trauma she has passed through during those years of being jobless?, let us see you jobless for one year and see if you will be able to keep your life together and get going.

Can you please stop for once and view life in another person's perspective. Before you judge others, put yourself in their shoes, feel their pains.

You and your friend got married the same year, your marriage is working, but hers isn't working and because of that you think she's the bad person, you think she does not know how to keep relationship, who told you that, if only the table could be turned around so that you experience or go through what she's experiencing and let us see if you will do any better.


In concluding this post I will want us to follow and live our lives in the line of this African proverb that says "before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoe". let us all stop judging others unless we have gone through what they are going through. Let us make the world a better place by being more of an encourager than a critic. When you put yourself in other people's shoe it makes you to be more understanding and appreciative of their efforts and situation.

Be an Encourager, let other smiles through you.


Thank you for reading.

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