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in walkwithme •  7 years ago 

Now I know that there is hope. A flower tree. Flowers for every occasion?
I don't know about that. But, I think that the welders will want to take a look at this tree.
So many possibilities.
Let me flood you with a few photos that I took of this.
I so needed to know that we have flowers to brighten our day.

Is there anyone here that doesn't like flowers?

I like green so well. I have to add this. It is not the same as before.
Different location and different look.

Then we see little white flowers.
Very pretty to me to look at.

Pink house. Could it be that I am "tickled pink" to see this color? Ha

It looks to be the same color and variety of flower. New location though.

I don't have much to say about this photo. I see something on the tree.
Some sort of nuts/berries. I am not sure.
When I am walking. I just show you some of what I see.

I didn't see any sign with this photo. I don't know how long it has been posted on the pole.

I am always looking for color in my walks.
And I have a lot of success in my search I think.

See if you will agree with me about color that I find.

So the search goes on as we walk along.
Whether it be in life as we live each day and time.
Or something as easy and pretty as this.
It is to me. Maybe it is to you too?

As I write and add each photo and tell a little about it.
I am aware that I show the same flower or item more than once.
I do that because some colors and items are too good for just one casual look.
See what I mean by the photo above? One look. Hmmm

But, I haven't always done that in the past.
But, I think it adds more of an impression to the value of what we are seeing and looking at for the moment.
Some impressions that are made on us can be somewhat like this song.
It fits me and my life at this time. Maybe you have something that it will speak to you about too.
Maybe I have shared this song with you before in the past?
It doesn't matter.
It is well worth a second watch and listen to me.

Official Rick Astley--Published on Oct 25, 2009 and has been added to YouTube.

I thank you and Steemit for all of your help.
I am wanting to make a major move this year.
Will I be able to make the move that I am seeking.
Time has the answer.
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Wow wonderful flowers . it is really look like. such a great article .
this is nice photography and greatwork.
Thanks @francisk
have a great day.

Wow beautiful flowers photography , thanks for sharing your community pics with us . Thanks

It is a beautiful plant!

Wow, the plant stand made from PVC pipe was very unique. Someone was really thinking outside of the box when they built that.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes. Your sharp welders eye caught the slip of words in my post.
It isn't welding, even though it could have been.
It is joints being glued together I think now.
I have to believe you are right.
I had you taking out your torch to build one.
Which would be OK.
But, this could be an easier and less costly way


First pic is showing great method of planting flowers , rest of all pics are very nice . Keep posting . Thanks

@francisk, you inspire me early morning here via adorable macro photo shots. Those flowers can easily meditate my mind. Also Bucket flower plants in the gardens given nice style to background. Gorgeous....

Woww this is oweasom house and this is mango tree??I like mango dear
Please invite me to your house.
I will be go there. REALLY amazing

A lot of photos with amazing beauty. color matching perfect.

Good morning @francisk, I want a huge bouquet of these flowers, all are beautiful, I can not choose, thank you for brightening the day with your post so colorful, I love the flowers, I hope that in the next find roses my favorites.
Blessings dear francis :)

It just could be. Roses are in our area.
I will just have to see what I can find.
Maybe the next post.
Thank you


Nice flowers.

this is pretty nice so amazing to see that some incredible shots :)

Beautiful starting with most impressive garden photo click and gorgeous finished with fantastic music @francisk. fruits very close to the planet. I would like to drink mango juice :D

Photos are gorgeous, like Florida. Everytime I see new flowers. Thanks for the great post and song.

Today I see various adventure from you @francisk. What is it? You took flowers macro images. So beautiful flowers there. Colors would be awesome. Excellent video song to hear. Have a nice day.

Francis, you gave me a good idea. This flower tree is very suitable for the garden. It can be supplemented with different variations. Thank you! I wish you pleasant walks :)

Thank you
Be sure to see the reply and my answer back to "bluelightbandit" near the top of the replies.
It might help you save time and money.


Precisely! I didn't notice it right away. This connection of pipes will make it possible to simplify the implementation of this project. Thanks, Francis. :)

Thank you for the wonderful pictures of nature bright colored flowers. I love this car very much

your flower basket handling system really very excellent..overall very original..i am appreciate your post because your enviroment thought always powerfull and showing alots of wonderfull flower photo in your blog its just amazing.this flower colour of yellow,red,pink white and purple its obviously mindblowing green nature beauty.i attracted them.this fruits photos very nice.but i don,t know your first photo of fruits matter.what,s name of the fruits..the last finishing amazing video song really creating great combination of green nature .. thanks to sharing for your great dear friend.. @francisk take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Beautiful photos of your walk, a variety of plants and flowers are very beautiful! Thank you @francisk

walkwith me ....nature
love it.......

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very beautiful photos @francisk and these flowers that you met on a walk, admire their beauty!

Wow! Amazing flower pots hanging in the garden.
Beautiful trees and flowers.🌻🌼🌺🌹🏵💮
Lovely photography
Awesome clicks @francisk.
Nice walks by you.🤗💙❤
Very well articulated
Great work sir.

Thanks for sharing this post.

Wow... Fantastic
It's looking lovely
Have a good day

Pretty awesome post @francisk sir.
The flowers are looking so pretty and amazing.
Great work and brilliant content.
Keep it up!
All the best..☺


What is the name of this flower?

Thanks for sharing.

Upvoted & resteemed your post.

I don't know what the name of it is.
Some of the flower growers here might know.


beautiful flowers!

I see many people gardening in a different type .
Your blogs pics are very beautiful .

nice photo....

Amazing shots ,I feel like flowers bloom inside my soul .
Thank you.

This is awesome photography sir loving your work a lot.

flowers tree with a variety of different color flower is a nice concept. All the pics are amazing. Cats and house are looking awesome. keep sharing @francisk

Good morning sir @francisk have a great day.

I am really wanna walk with you and capture amazing natural photo. are you agree with me :p ?

Thank you for the wonderful pictures of nature bright colored flowers. I love this car very much

Amazing photography sir i love your blog so much.

absolutely agree with you.☺Thanks for sharing so much different things...& beautiful piece of photography.☺

Wow the flower the mangoes looks yum yum and I think there is nobody in this world who don,t like flower good walk.

Wow fantastic flowers port design