With You By My Side

in walkwithme •  7 years ago 

Who is that strange man who is always looking around to take a photo? Ha
I do wonder sometimes if some say to themselves and others.
There he is again.
Let's watch him and see what he does this time. lol



Open road leads to a parking lot. Lots of mature shade trees.


And the roads that I walk on leads to plants and flowers.
Such as these that I show here.


What am I looking for as I walk along?
Color for one thing.
Flowers and other plants that catch my eye too.
Plus, when I see anything that is different to me.
I show that to you too.

Oh no. Not again? I see the streetlight is turned on already.
Maybe the switch is bad. Ha

I think it is a little darker now as I look around.
Maybe it is just all the shade trees. Ha


An attractive metal fence. It does add to the landscaping view as we walk by.

This is not an alien skyport hole I don't think.
Just a reflector. lol
Remember? I am always looking for color.

Very good. I can see that it isn't dark yet.
So I will keep moving along to see what is next.



You know it is time for me to go. I have to finish this and post it.
But, I wanted to find one more item of interest before I leave.
Here we are.
Someone was thinking of me as they placed it here. Ha ha

Now what do I do?
Oh, I remember. I look to see if I can find a good song for us. lol

Sometimes "ladyluck" smiles down on us.
I wanted something beautiful to see and hear for us.
And to me. This is it...........

This was added to YouTube by: sweetlyrandom1--Published on Nov 27, 2009

That good song touched my heart so much.
I don't even care what the crypto price is. Ha ha
See how good music affects Francis?

But we will add Steemit anyway. Without Steemit. I/we cease to exist.
Steemit Logo.png
Thank you


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Hi sir, good evening wish you very lovely day dear sir.
Sir your love for the true beauty of nature is widely awesome and makes it everytime very beautiful and splendid.

Yes that beautiful man of lovely heart is sir @francisk keep watching him otherwise he will steal the beauty of your gardenin which he is expert.

The beauty of nature is so pious as it can win the heart of anyone. And I am among those one which heart is fell in love with the natural beauty of US.



It is not my intent to steal the beauty of your flower garden.
My intent is to win the flower (love) of your heart.
I want you to scream and shout it to me with all of your might. lol

Oh, I see now that you did!!!
Oh, I am so happy. You did shout and scream to me.

You have so weakened my strength by your declaration.
That even a little feather floating down from the sky would bowl me over.

See how powerful your are?
You can rule the world.
Well, maybe not the whole world. lol

With love and respect


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you

Have Thine own way.

Thou art the potter, I am the clay.
Mold me and make me, after Thy will.
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
O' most gracious and lovely one.
Thank you


excellent photography! I like it

Red flower pic is awesome click, clean and peaceful roads is showing that your community is just awesome .

it is really look place. such a great article .
this is great photography and nice work.
have a great day.

Thank you


Awesome photographs, I like the way you're explaining the story of your pretty work. I just luv your fantastic blog. 💖

Thank you
I love to see words such as yours to encourage me to continue on.


Beautiful pics, red flowers and big green leaves plants are looking amazing . Thanks

Excellent photos, my friend and your plants along your roads on a walk always delight me! Thank you @francisk

Wonderful pictures.

Amazing place amd scenery . Beautiful photography . This photography are really enjoble . Thanks for sharing @francisk

Beautiful starting with maroon coloring flower and glorious finishing with classical musics @francisk. Middle of the post awesomeness.

Just excellent photo shots and nice visualize music. Perfect selection by you.

I really enjoyed the amazing wording of song,it was beautiful song,
photographs are beautiful too,flowers always look beautiful.

Thank you for your words of my song selection.
I spend more time on that than just about any other part of the posts.
Only walking takes more time.


YOU are welcome ,every work takes time but I like your work.

I feel pleasure because of the nature on your blog.

I was amazing because of the photos there was a plant middle road . That is also beautiful.

There are so many unique fashionable images. Plants growing middle of the road. Awesome song indeed.

this photography are really too nice to enjoy. god has created his creature with skilled hand, this photography is a proof of this...... i am eagerly awaiting for your next amazing photo to enjoy....

Beautiful flower

Perfect photography sir @francisk. I appreciate your brilliant photography.

you are a big master of green nature beauty environment. this fresh road and good air nature very attractive.specially this road and flower just fantastic.thanks to sharing for your great thought post.i respect your awesome creativity.its very heart touching...thanks to sharing for your great post.very well done..may god bless you.. i support your every work.because its alltime perfect and orgional.thank you..my dear friend.. @francisk

What a wonderful photography @francisk.

Nice day you had the weather seems on point today enjoyed this post

Beautiful and lovely flowers , you always have an amazing touch with your photos @francisk

Cool, shot :)

Beautiful photography dear @francisk
Keep posting .

Liked the tour for today !

The flower does looks really great shot !

awesome photography
fabulous one