1# Walk With Me In The Peak of Salak Aceh, Indonesia

in walkwithme •  7 years ago 

Salak is the peak tourist destinations that have been very well known by the people of Aceh. These sights precisely located in nisam sub-district of North Aceh between.

Puncak salak merupakan destinasi wisata yang sudah sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Aceh. Tempat wisata ini tepatnya terletak di kabupaten Aceh utara kecamatan nisam antara.


Salak peaks visited by travellers because this place is so cool. Faintly blowing piercing wind spaces throughout the Agency.

Puncak salak banyak dikunjungi oleh para pelancong dikarenakan tempat ini begitu sejuk. Sayup-sayup angin yang berhembus menusuk ruang-ruang seluruh badan.


Not just because kesejukannya, this place is so beautiful to be seen. The expanse of towering mountains with the green color of the leaves of the trees

Bukan hanya karena kesejukannya, tempat ini begitu indah untuk dipandang. Hamparan gunung yang menjulang dengan hijaunya warna daun-daun pepohonan


Many residents who spent his holiday with the family at this place.

Banyak warga yang menghabiskan waktu liburannya bersama keluarga ditempat ini.




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Some amazing views sir, thank you for sharing these pictures. Its also really cool how you have this post in two languages.