Walk With Me in Denver: City Park Edition

in walkwithme •  6 years ago 

Welcome back to Denver, Steemians! It's been a hot minute since I did a proper #walkwithme, but I got off my arse and went out today!

Yuan did not join me. He took a nap.

The sidewalk in front of the Bluebird Theatre

First stop was the post office where yes, I FINALLY mailed the other buttons! Sorry that took so long, y'all.

Then I tried to buy some incense for my altar, but the shop was closed on Mondays, which I did not know. So instead I detoured down to City Park and admired the view for a while.

There was much goose poop as usual, but not as much as there usually is later in the season. The BAMFs live in City Park in force, so I was glad to be able to sit on a bench because it was clean and not covered in shit.

I also realized I need a proper jacket sitting there, because it was a pretty nice day today but I was cold. I've been layering hoodies and sweaters all winter because my old coat is falling apart. I have another coat, but it's about ten sizes too big. I want a warm, heavy, leather coat. That fits.

What the statue children are looking at

My old, falling apart coat was wool, which was great until I started getting a rash from all my wool clothes. Sigh. So no more wool.

And I've never liked big puffy jackets - I've had them most of my life because they're usually the cheapest, but I don't like them. I've always wanted a leather jacket but never had one. I deserve a coat I like. :)

the kids' LFL is "back in bisnis"

That's it for now, Steemians! Stay warm!

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Well you certainly took some lovely shots

Thank you! :)

Best of luck finding a new leather jacket. It might be easier with everyone doing spring cleaning Marie Kondo style these days!! The thrift shops could have some great finds! Yaun is a real snoozie guy!! Haha what type of inscense do you fancy?

Ooh that's a good point about the Kondo effect and a coat. Hadn't thought of that.
I was hoping to get a Triloka throat chakra incense, and try a HEM incense to see if it works with my allergies or not since I haven't bought any HEM since I discovered my old favorite (Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa) is now setting off my allergies. The store near me should have HEM for a couple bucks so it won't be killer if I try one and discover it's a no-go. Worth a shot!

It's been forever since I've been to Denver, thanks for sharing your walk about. I love many pure incenses! So much so I sell a wee variety... I think my favorite I have is Copal resin sticks like the traditional sticks instead of the balls and pieces, and the second favorite of mine is actual sandalwood sustainably harvested and grown from Australia! Nom nom, one of these days I'll get a presence online with my sales, sheez... what do you like to use?

My faves are Triloka chakra incense, but I am in the process of testing out different kinds because now my allergies have gotten to the point where certain varieties are setting me off that didn't used to. Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa was my go-to but now I can't use it; even the crown chakra Triloka (which is frankencense and myrrh and something else) is out. But the other chakras I've tried since (heart, solar plexus, third eye) are fine. Throat chakra was next on my list. I was going to try some HEM incense too. There is a locally-made sage incense I like and know is safe for my allergies, but it's $6 for twenty sticks so I can't afford it lots. :)

Yeah, I had to stop nag champa many decades ago @phoenixwren and all the really heavy oil incense I can only handle it outside, I'm super sensitive to any toxic added chemicals to anything, smell it a mile away and my body reacts in inflammation of the throat . Like palo santo i sell cause people love it, but it's too thick like the nag champa.. you know what's great on the cheap and will clear a room faster than sage, Rosemary, I grow it and burn tons in my house is so nice when dried and I burn Arizona juniper and oregon cedar and those all come like you wood find palo santo in wood chunks. I do a resin blend with my home grown flowers/herbs that has the frankincense and myrrh you need charcoal disks or fire place for that... I use in my cauldron.

I've always reacted to dragon's blood incense, and any of the really cheap chemical ones. But I loooooooooooooved nag champa. Sob. LOL
I will have to try rosemary!
I have some resins, but MAN those charcoal disks are a bear to get lit properly without smoking myself out...

A nice leather coat is worth its weight in gold. I bought one on sale in the summer of 1998 and I still wear it all the time. Maybe if you can just make it through the rest of this winter you can get a good deal when things heat up, and then you'll be set for years.

Hopefully! (Crosses fingers)

That island in the first pic is so pretty!
My mum always used to itch like crazy with wool. She just loved the feel of it, though, and hated that she couldn't wear it. I hope that coat is on the cards for you.

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There was definitely a ruckus going on on Goose Island. They were honking up a storm but I couldn't see why because it's their secret lair. :D