Democrats will try to claim that Republicans are stuffing the ballot boxes in order to activate the 20th amendment which involves delaying the counting of the votes, the 2020 U.S. election, in order to keep Trump or anybody from being elected by the 20th of January of 2021 because then Pelosi and her gang can then choose who will be the next President of the United States of America (POTUS); that is on top of other a number of things they're attempting right now to take over the USA and the world. They're doing many different things to bring us down and this is just one of their plans, one of their things.
What about race in the future?
Chris Wallace asked a hypothetical question regarding racism and the next four years. It was a genuine question in that Biden and Trump responded, it was not rhetorical, but the question was a trap meant to mislead the audience as the debate was a show to brain wash people to hate Trump. Chris Wallace interrupted Trump 35 times, Biden 0 times.
Joe Biden, black drug eyes and a bunch of blood pumped in.
2020 U.S. Presidential Debate 01 - Transcript Part 01
2020 U.S. Presidential Debate 01 - Transcript Part 02
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2020-09-30 - Wednesday
Oatmeal Daily - 2020-09-30 - Wednesday
Published in September of 2020
They saw South Park
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Category | Community | Directory | Timeline | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.
The First Debate
Here is an introduction to the first 2020 U.S. presidential debate between former Vice-President Joe Biden and current President Donald Trump.
The First Debate
Introduction | Read the Transcript | Watch the Debate | Commentary | Videos | Articles | Links | Conclusion
This is part one of eight.
Here is an outline of these eight articles as follows.
Chapter 01 - Introduction
Chapter 02 - Text - Audio Transcript
Chapter 03 - Video - Watch the Debate
Chapter 04 - Video - Live Commentary
Chapter 05 - Video - Related Videos
Chapter 06 - Articles - Related Articles
Chapter 07 - Links - Related Links, References, etc
Chapter 08 - Conclusion
Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version
First Biden Trump Debate
I plan to write eight articles regarding this first debate.
The first article will be the introduction to the debate.
The second article will include the transcript.
The third article will include videos of the debate without commentary.
The fourth article will include live commentary.
The fifth article will include other videos.
The sixth article will include related articles, links.
The seventh article will include links and references to things mentioned during the debate.
The eight article will be the conclusion.
General Shepherd
12:27 AM - DEBATE COVERAGE (Full Show) Tuesday - 9/29/20 • Trump-Biden 1st Debate • FIXED AUDIO
Joe Biden, black drug eyes and a bunch of blood pumped in.
Biden is a puppet, made in China.
Trump should have exposed the Covid Scam.
Bill Maher wanted a recession, they did Covid to force a recession, and they then blame it on Trump and hope the general public forget what Bill Maher and others said and want.
What about race in the future?
Chris Wallace asked a hypothetical question regarding racism and the next four years. It was a genuine question in that Biden and Trump responded, it was not rhetorical, but the question was a trap meant to mislead the audience as the debate was a show to brain wash people to hate Trump.
Soros funds BLM, Antifa, etc.
Trump should expose the Covid Hoax as opposed to playing according to the rules of the globalists.
General Shepherd
02:09 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Part 2/2) Tuesday - 9/29/20 • Post-Debate, Guests, Callers
General Shepherd
08:30 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Part 2/2) Tuesday - 9/29/20 • Post-Debate, Guests, Callers
Trump wanted people to know he is trying to open things up from the lockdown.
Trump tries to bring back jobs.
Trump mentioned Hunter Biden so people would talk about it and Google it.
Chris Wallace interrupted Trump 35 times, Biden 0 times
Will we let Ihan take over America?
General Shepherd
03:15 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Wednesday - 9/30/20
Old people, some the age of 80, take the blood of children and babies in order to live forever.
Vampire Joe Biden was given blood for the debate.
Democrats will try to claim that Republicans are stuffing the ballot boxes in order to activate the 20th amendment which involves delaying the counting of the votes, the 2020 U.S. election, in order to keep Trump or anybody from being elected by the 20th of January of 2021 because then Pelosi and her gang can then choose who will be the next President of the United States of America (POTUS); that is on top of other a number of things they're attempting right now to take over the USA and the world. They're doing many different things to bring us down and this is just one of their plans, one of their things.
Biden may have been wearing a wire or not, but it appears he was not really using it either way because he reacted pretty quickly.
Marshall Law in 2020, leftist states hire SJW cops to do bad things.
They stopped an 8 year old girl's birthday party because they say you can't have more than 8 people at the party. That is tyranny.
Diamond & Silk
Democrats are less dumb in 2020 than they were in 2016. Meaning they will try harder to win, I mean to cheat, etc.
Why are Trump supporters wearing masks?
Trump is a clown if he does not expose Covid, Soros, etc.
Will you be a poll watcher?
SJW NPC Cops must be stopped and replaced with patriot police officers.
Make Police Great Again
Covid19 is a modified adaptation of the ever popular common cold corona virus family.
Covid is and is not
@BearKeys, Bill Gates got a patent in 2019.
Trump should talk about the 2019 Bill Gates patent.
We Are the News
Neighborhood Watch
Don't have a militia, have neighborhood security meetings
People must not wear masks and go to jail
Be willing to go to prison for not wearing a mask, do it
Don't respond when people tell you to wear a mask, just keep walking
Be ready to be arrested for not wearing a mask, get your friends to live stream your arrest
Document your not wearing a mask arrest
No mask flash mobs
If a store clerk refuses to sell you something, either stand there with no mask on or leave some money on your way out, they can keep the change
Go into a convenient store, grab a drink, leave the money on the counter, even if they refuse to take it without a mask. Just leave the money and go or stay until SJW cops come.
People must not wear masks
HYPOCRISY is if you dislike masks but still wear them in a courthouse
Don't CRITICIZE masks if you still put them on
Don't say one thing but do another thing
Cali fires are many things, arson, smart meters, lack of fire breaks, geoengineering, etc.
Expose GEO Engineering
Don't drink TAP water
Covid 2015 North Carolina
Copyright is a lie
Vampire Biden took blood
Biden is a Vampire
Trump needs to expose more
where is your face?
television has been dying the past ten years
Merry Mayhem
06:11 PM - Wed Night Mayhem : Disney Sucks
Disney Sucks Hard
Tom is Batman, I knew it
General Shepherd
06:14 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Wednesday - 9/30/20
A major factor was the Democrats were trying to make Trump look bad on health care, to make it look like he has no plan, that he wants to destroy the terrible Obama Care, because many undecided voters tend to be sick and vote according to that.
Drunk C3PO
07:22 PM - Star Trek Watch Party "A Taste of Armageddon & Space Seed" with Anna TSWG
Should people watch Enterprise before watching the original Star Trek show?
Merry sent me
@Robert Flores, that's too bad, I wonder if Star Wars had the same issue
General Shepherd
12:27 AM - DEBATE COVERAGE (Full Show) Tuesday - 9/29/20 • Trump-Biden 1st Debate • FIXED AUDIO
General Shepherd
02:09 AM - ELECTION COUNTDOWN (Part 2/2) Tuesday - 9/29/20 • Post-Debate, Guests, Callers
Jesse Lee Peterson
General Shepherd
General Shepherd
General Shepherd
Diamond & Silk
The Rubin Report
06:03 PM - Freedom Fest - The Emergency Meeting II with Co-hosts Dave Rubin & Mark Skousen
Merry Mayhem
General Shepherd
08:30 AM - Got up, weird dreams last night but I think I forgot it already. I think I met people or went places and did things. I am trying to remember the details. They were unique too. Cereal. Coffee, around 9:30 PM. Reading the George Washington six spies book from then to like noon or so, off and on on the ride. I would go into a court house with no mask. I got these new toys from Amazon and now it is 1 PM and I am back to watching Infowars on my throne. Here looking at things. Working on 8 articles for the first 2020 Trump Biden debate. Yogurt stuff around like 2 PM. Corn dog thing in the microwave and now eating at 03:09 PM. Watching Alex Jones now. Just got the mail, a newspaper, some ads, I mean from a store selling clothes and other items. Not JC Penney I don't think. Dinner around like 7 PM, cabbage and the hot dog like sausages. Nap from 08:30 PM to 09:30 PM apx. Worked on my Oatmeal Daily, Monthly, and Yearly templates, especially for October, which is next month, as in tomorrow.