How To Fix: Cannot Connect to p2p network Exodus

in wallet •  5 years ago 

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If you are getting an error on Exodus that says “Cannot connect to p2p network,” then you are in the right place! If you’re using DASH and receiving this error, then you can solve it just by upgrading to the newest software. But if you’re getting it while using other coins, then we need to do a few more steps to solve the issue. Regardless, your funds are saved, so don’t panic as your funds are held on the blockchain and can be recovered on any wallet that enables 12-word recovery seeds.
If you have any errors when using Exodus, you should check out our story library as we have step by step guides that cover all common Exodus errors.
Have questions? Feel free to comment, and we would be glad to get back to you.


Today we will be going over the steps that you need to take to fix the p2p error on Exodus. It will only take a few minutes to fix and should be fixed immediately, so you don’t run into other application issues in the future.
The error is typically seen when you are using a firewall or network that has tightened security and might not recognize the application.

Steps to fix

Update your Exodus Wallet, most issues occurs by outdated version:

  1. **Download Exodus Wallet last version for Windows**
  2. **Download Exodus Wallet last version for Android**
  3. **Download Exodus Wallet last version for Mac**
    Step 1: Open Exodus at your house so you don’t have a work network that could be interfering with the ports. If you have been using the application at work, you might find that this will fix your problem immediately.
    Step 2: If you are using Exodus on a VPN, then try accessing it without the virtual network. If your VPN blocks ports, then you should check the settings and make sure that Exodus is not disabled.
    Step 3: You can also consider changing your DNS settings to one that is less restrictive. If you would like to learn how to do this, you can read a full step by step article here.


If you have followed each of the steps above and your problem has not resolved itself, you should contact the Exodus Support Team. This error might be a pain to fix, but it shouldn’t give you any more trouble after you figure out what is wrong with it. Usually, the error is fixed when you use the application at your house, but if that doesn’t work, then there are only a few solutions left to work with before having to contact the support team.

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