How To: Move Tezbox Account
If you are unhappy with Tezbox and want to learn how you can move your account, then this guide is for you. The process for moving your account will only take a few minutes and can be done with minimal effort. Below we have listed seven easy steps that will allow you to move your account to the new Galleon successfully.
What is Tezbox?
Tezbox is a cryptocurrency wallet that was developed by a Tezos Foundation board member, Stephen Andrews. The wallet is an open-source project that does not store the private key information, so individual security measures must be taken to ensure that your coins are safe. You must write down every recovery phrase and private key to ensure that you will always be able to access your cryptocurrency. Tezbox has hardware connections that allow users to add their Ledger or Trezor to the wallet. Tezbox is an interphase wallet that combines easy to maneuver integrations with the cryptocurrency Tezos. This means that the wallet has been created to give users a better experience when they are transacting on the blockchain. The private keys get held locally so that fraudsters cannot steal your private key information over the internet, which is why Tezbox has grown popularity.
Tezbox was the first interphase wallet to allow the top hardware wallets to integrate into their system. Millions of people still misunderstand cryptocurrency, and so Tezbox has tried to bridge this gap by releasing easy to use software that allows you to interact with a cryptocurrency as you might with traditional financial money.
Tezbox has also recently launched a Dapp friendly interphase that will allow users to interact with new decentralized applications built on the Tezos network directly.
Today we are going to go over the steps that you must take to successfully move your account on Tezbox. The Galleon allows the recovering of wallets from secret keys, so this process is made very easy.
Restore your Tezbox Wallet click here
Step 1: You will want to login to your Tezbox account and then move over to the “Options” tab, which is pictured below.
Step 2: You will now want to enter your password next to the show button, which is pictured below.
Step 3: After you enter your password, a secret key will appear. You will want to copy this key.
Step 4: You will now want to take that key and import it to the Galleon by clicking “Create New Wallet.”
Step 5: You can now click on “select wallet file” and assign the file name along with creating a password.
Step 6: Now click on “Create wallet” and click “Restore from backup.” You will now be able to select “Private Key” and paste the key you got from Step 3.
Step 7: Click “Restore,” and you will now have successfully moved your account.
Congratulations on moving your account over to Galleon
Tezbox is a great wallet for those who want to hold or stake their Tezos cryptocurrency. If, however you want to move your account at any point, you can do so in seven simple steps. If you have any trouble doing this, feel free to comment in the section below, and we would be glad to help you through the process.