How To Fix: This Security Key Doesn’t Look Familiar Ledger Live

in wallet •  5 years ago 

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This error has been coming up ever so often with Ledger when the device is being used on MEW or Mycrypto. This error can be resolved by following the few steps below; unfortunately, you might have to walk through different steps since the problem has not resulted from a direct issue. This is not a common problem, so the Ledger Support team might have to be contacted if the problem persists.


Below, we will go over the steps you need to take to fix this problem. We will discuss the reasons behind the errors so that they can be prevented in the future. The process for fixing this error is straightforward and can be completed in minutes. If you have any questions, you can always comment, and we will get back to you ASAP.

Steps to Fix

Most of the Ledger Live issues can be resolve by updating Ledger Live application!

Download last version Ledger Live for:

  1. **Download Ledger Live for Windows**
  2. **Download Ledger Live for Android**
  3. **Download Ledger Live for MAC OS**
    Step 1: The main reason that this could be happening to you is that you are using an outdated Ethereum application. Whenever a new update comes out, it’s vital to install the latest version. So, if you haven’t downloaded a new version of the Ethereum application, then uninstall it and reinstall it on your Ledger Live.
    Step 2: If the Ethereum application was not the problem, then you will want to make sure that if you are using a browser extension on Google chrome or other application that it is updated to the latest version.
    Step 3: If the above steps did not work, then it is likely a windows ten security issue that needs to be bypassed. Move the popup to the side, but do NOT click cancel or the exit button. If you do this, then your device might freeze, and you will need to reconnect. Next, you will want to verify the transaction details and confirm the transaction.


Ledger is aware of this issue and is working to fix it so that no one runs into it, who has the latest versions of the applications. If the problem does not resolve itself after following the above steps, then you may need to contact the ledger support in which they can help you or point you in the right direction so that this error does not keep coming up.

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