How to create local BURST wallet

in wallet •  7 years ago  (edited)

Quick post how to create local BURST wallet

  1. Download to Downloads folder (or find lastest version)
  2. Open Downloads/burstcoin-1.2.9/conf folder and edit file

    "nxt.myAddress=”, where is your IP

  3. Download and install Java JDK
  4. Open terminal and run

    cd Downloads/burstcoin-1.2.9
    java -cp burst.jar:conf nxt.Nxt

    Server will run and blockchain began to be downloaded. It's a slow process because its weight is several Gbs.

  5. After blockchain is downloaded, open http://localhost:8125/index.html

    Sometimes it does not open immediately, you have to wait a bit

    Happy mining!

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