Hey, guys! Today we are going to continue series of materials dedicated to crypto wallets. From these articles you will learn:
- What types of wallets are there?
- Which ones are better to use with Ethereum, and which ones with bitcoins?
- What are the best crypto wallets today?
Today we are going to tell you about warm wallets. It can be heavy or light.
Unlike hot wallets working in the cloud, the warm wallets (they are also for software or mobile) are located on your device. But they are connected to the Internet. A wallet for software or mobile is a tool installed on a computer, smartphone or any other device that stores public and private keys and processes transactions. Such local wallets are generally well used both for storing cryptocurrencies and for paying for goods and services.
As with hot wallets, there are two options to choose from - light or heavy (they are also called "wallets with a full node"). Heavy wallets store the entire blockchain in the device’s memory, and light wallets use third-party resources for this. In practice, this means that a heavy wallet will not "fit" on a smartphone. For example, the Bitcoin blockchain is occupying about 200 GB now, which slightly exceeds the capabilities of smartphones. Initially, cryptocurrency was stored in heavy local wallets, but now they have lost ground to light and hot wallets. On the other hand, thick wallets are independent of third parties and therefore generally safer than light or hot ones.
As a result, what do we have?
Pros: Safer than hot wallets.
Cons: anyway, they are not sufficiently protected and tied to a specific device.
Why are we telling you this? Because very soon we will release Vinci Wallet. What it is? How to use it? Read our materials and you will not miss something important.