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Crypto. Gray markets. General noncompliance.

The Infernal Revolting Syndicate is not what you think.

It is not a US corporation or US entity.

It came into being at the same time the FED did, and had to.
Else the loop just implodes.

ALL the money you send to the IRS gets thrown into a furnace (to the god of money).
And then the govern-cement borrows all new money from the FED.
In this way, the energy from all of us tax cattle keeps the wheel, the current (as in currency), going.

Ways to end the Infernal Revolting Syndicate:

  • Make less that $500 a year. No taxes, no filing. (by the way, the gold eagle is $20 US tender)
  • Trade with people for what you need.
  • Show people that their taxes aren't going for schools or roads.
  • Use crypto currencies.
  • Close your bank accounts.
  • Take out everything you can in cash.

Does any of this relate to what happened in 1871?

I'll have to look up 1871 as what you are likely hinting at does not spring to mind. Civil War era stuff comes to mind. I will look.

It basically comes from 1913 when as @builderofcastles indicated the Federal Reserve AND the IRS were both created. Both constitutionally illegal by the way, and the IRS remained illegal for a long time and still operated. They changed that by amendment many decades later.

Now I need to go search for 1871 to see what you are hinting at.


It seems that, in 1871, that a corporation, using the name of our country but in all-caps, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, was created. That is NOT to be confused with the name of our nation, the United States. But what happened to our actual nation, then? Is this U.S. CORPS owned by England? I have so many questions. I need to do more research on some of these things.

I wrote a little bit about that here.

Goldless by 1971

By the way, it seems that the dollar went off the gold standard in the year of 1971 according to this lady at least. Ironically, 1971 was a century after 1871. Now, I wonder, did something happen in 1771 as well? Not sure.

Person vs Human Being

Legally, The word "person" includes individuals, children, firms, associations, joint adventures, partnerships, estates, trusts, business trusts, syndicates, fiduciaries, corporations, and all other groups or combinations. IT DOES NOT SAY MAN OR WOMAN. Notice that only "persons" can commit these state legislature created crimes. A crime is by definition an offense committed against the "state." If you commit an offense against a human, it is called a tort. Examples of torts would be any personal injury, slander, or defamation of character.

Act of 1871

Here is an article on 1871. The Act of 1871 changed the name of our country and/or added a name for a new corporation.

USA Bill 1989 AUTOGRAPH.png
Pictures of the U.S. Constitution

United States of America

USA Flag Gold Fringe.jpeg

The United States is a Corporation

I should probably write an article about this. In this article, it talks about how our country, the USA, became a corporation that is owned by the British Crown. It goes on to talk about how the American flag (click here to see another article about our flag) in courtrooms features a gold fringe which indicates the jurisdiction of commercial law, AKA British Maritime Law. We may see similar things in Roman, Babylon, and Sumerian law, thanks to people like the Illuminati, etc. Like I said, I need to do more research on these things.

State Citizens

While reading that one article, I saw that it mentioned, historically, how there was no such thing as citizens of the USA but rather citizens of individual states. I don't know anything about that, but that may be true.

United States Code (U.S.C.)

The Code of Laws of the United States of America | Official Website of U.S. code

Where is Our Country?

I remain skeptical and yet open-minded in life. So, what happened to our country? Are we totally owned by a U.S. CORPORATION that hides behind a name that appears to be the name of our country? Did our actual country, the United States, go away completely or partly? I need to do more research to find out more.

I am looking through 1871. A lot of different things happened. I'll list a few. You can let us know which thing(s) you are referring to.

Jefferson Long of Georgia sworn in as 2nd black congressman Republican

1st Negro lodge of US Masons approved, New Jersey

US income tax repealed This is likely what you are talking about

Federal fish protection office authorized by US Congress

2nd Enforcement Act gives federal control of congressional elections in US

US Congress changes Indian tribes status from independent to dependent

US Congress establishes the civil service system

William Holden of North Carolina becomes 1st governor removed by impeachment

US 3rd Enforcement Act (President can suspend writ of habeas corpus)

Ku Klux Klan trials began in federal court in Oxford, Mississippi

Great Fire of Chicago kills 200 people and destroys over 4 square miles (10 square km) of buildings and the original Emancipation Proclamation

US President Grant (Republican) condemns Ku Klux Klan

Mob in Los Angeles, California hangs 18 Chinese

National Rifle Association is first chartered in the State of New York

Ku Klux Klan trials began in Federal District Court in South Carolina

It was a busy year.

The creation of a U.S. CORPS happened in 1871, it seems according to some people, the Act of 1871.

If you can and have not already checked out G. Edward Griffith's "The Creature From Jekyll Island" as it extensively covers what happened in 1913 and a lot of the motives. I don't recall how/if it covered the IRS side of things that extensively. It may be time for me to reread it.

Yes, good idea. How do we stop the Not-Federal Federal Reserve?

The country actually operated for a very long time (more than a century) with no IRS. The income tax was a form of taxation expressly prohibited by the constitution.

So it can be done.

Sales tax and taxation on things that are voluntary without putting someone's life at risk were permitted by the Constitution. You could tax luxuries and things like that higher and as long as it was not on goods that you need to survive like food then it becomes more of a voluntary thing. Do I want this super expensive car?

Now there are ways we could do it now that didn't exist then.

We could simply crowd source everything. If you want something back it in a crowd sourcing situation. If you do not back it, you don't get it.

Tech has made that feasible as long as the power grid doesn't collapse. Power grid is also a huge issue when we consider crypto.

Can we buy more solar power batteries, panels, etc, etc, and make some and distribute power creation devices, etc, etc?