Skip vaccine or not welcome in the classroom?

in wapo •  3 years ago 


Jeff Bezos’s private pamphlet, the former US newspaper of record now best referred to as the Wash/Po, because it washes political hacks and medical fraudsters clean of the smell of criminality, has just published this:

Miami private school says teachers who get coronavirus vaccine aren’t welcome, citing debunked misinformation [you don’t need a link, just google the Washington Post]
By Katie Shepherd

Last week, leaders at the Centner Academy, a Miami private school, sent teachers an email with a stark warning: Skip the coronavirus vaccines or else you’re not welcome in the classroom.

“We cannot allow recently vaccinated people to be near our students until more information is known,” the school’s co-founder Leila Centner said in a letter first reported on by the New York Times.

Centner cited debunked misinformation to justify the policy, suggesting that “reports have surfaced recently of non-vaccinated people being negatively impacted by interacting with people who have been vaccinated,” despite medical consensus that the coronavirus vaccines effectively prevent serious infections and carry few risks.

The school’s decision alarmed public health experts and demonstrated the pervasive reach of misinformation about the vaccines, which have now been given to at least 141 million people in the United States. A dozen state attorneys general last month demanded that Facebook and Twitter do more to enforce policies against vaccine misinformation.

The phenomenon known as “shedding”, whereby people who have recently been jabbed with an mRNA injection which produces trillions of toxic spike proteins “shed” these poisonous molecules through their sweat and other excretions including exhaling, is not just well known, it was discovered and discussed by Pfizer in it’s used-to-be-confidential experimental data years ago. The human body excretes unwelcome substances as a matter of the natural biological defence processes against poison or infection. So it’s not unexpected if some people whose bodies are producing trillions of toxic spike proteins breath them out and extrude them from their sweat glands. Spike proteins shed in the environment of recently injected people were known by Pfizer to have bad effects on those people, family members, who are in close contact with them; these problems included unusual bleeding experienced by un-vaccinated children in contact with their parents or grandparents who have been jabbed recently and this shedding can continue up to two or three weeks after the jab. That’s what Pfizer’s own data revealed.

So the Wash-Po saying “debunked” and “misinformation” and “medical consensus” will not wash down with anybody who is reasonably well informed. Pfizer stinks to highest heaven and so does the mRNA they tell us all is the main ingredient of their jab. The stink cannot be hidden even by the mighty Jeff Bezos or the New York Times because now the full information that Pfizer wanted to hide for 55 years is now published by court order; the mRNA jabs produce bad reactions that have now caused nerve, heart, brain and kidney injuries and permanent disability in at least 900,000 jabbed Americans of whom at least 18,000 have died since January, according to the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System – a system well known to lowball vaccine injury reports by at least 90%. Pfizer knew all about the deadliness of their jab and went ahead with it; they must be used to foisting deadly drugs on the public after having paid out billions in court settlements over the last 50 years. But this latest Pfizer drug is a whole new level of mass murder.

So the leaders of this school are justified in being cautious around recently jabbed people. And as for jabbing their students I’d be pretty sure they aren’t on board with that to put it mildly. It took a lot of nerve for Centner Academy to care so much about the health and safety of their teachers and students as to buck the Covid Vaxx fraud. I hope they may start a trend. Judges and companies all over the USA are resisting the vaccine mandates for the very good reasons detailed by Pfizer’s own internal documents as reported by Celia Farber on Substack. Read it and get informed and get mad and get your kid out of any school that proposes to jab children with Pfizer’s poisonous brew.

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