It seems that the #Trump statements on raising import taxes on steel is nothing else but a preperation for #WAR.
remember Franz Ferdinand?, and we know how WW2 started with the ‘invasion’ of Poland?
The source: “Warum und wofür?,” Die Wehrmacht, 3 (1939, Nr. 19), p. 2. states Why are we fighting?
Because we were forced into it by England and its Polish friends. If the enemy had not begun the fight now, they would have within two or three years. England and France began the war in 1939 because they feared that in two or three years Germany would be militarily stronger and harder to defeat.
Nowadays we have Sergei Skripal
Theresa #May is shouting that #Russia needs to react or suffer ‘severe responses’ from britain and NATO for this ‘warlike act’ which is, the alledged poisoning of a double agent #Sergei #Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury. (with an old 70’s era nerve agent).
And there’s good old #Rex #Tillerson, who is colluding with May’s statements, even though the white house itself (which is still under fire) has still a more moderate tone.
Now we wait for the response of EU’s Juncker, the perpetual drunk. He’s a little distracted, because of the allegation of a nasty corruption within the promotion of his right hand, Selmayrgate which destroys all the credibility of the EU as a champion of integrity and transparency in public administration.
For the last couple of years operation atlantic resolve made sure nato has now more then thirty thousand troops stationed at the russian border. All around Europe, cold war era weapon depots are ‘in use’ again, and the missle defense system in eastern europe, is almost complete.
#NATO forces are already knocking on the #Russian border.
#Putin spoke last week in his annual adress to the federal assembly , and this speech, he showed the world the capability’s of the new russian weaponry. We have all seen the msm media hyping this up, and blowing this out of proportions in their own kind of ways, but most programs and articles that i saw, did not show, what mr Putin actually had to say ...
“To those who for the last 15 years have been trying to fan an arms race, achieve unilateral advantage against Russia, impose sanctions, which are illegal from the standpoint of international law and are aimed at holding back the development of our country, including in the military area, I have this to say: All the things you were trying to prevent through your policies have already happened. You have failed to hold Russia back,” Putin said.
“You now have to acknowledge this reality, confirm that everything I said is no bluff – which it isn’t – think for some time, send into retirement the people stuck in the past and incapable of looking into the future, [and] stop rocking the boat that we all ride in and which is called planet Earth,” he said. Russia would be responsive if talked to as an equal partner, Putin added.
Humanity should know that war is not the answer, it never has been. War has always been a political weapon, a last resort of a world ruled by maniacs.
humanity should unite, and we should do it quick. Even though the time is not right yet, we should abandon our hate, religion, race, social status, and everything else that divides us.
Before it’s to late, and “mother” blows.
Everything i say here is REALITY, You can DYOR, you can start and read these articles for more background info.