
in war •  7 years ago  (edited)


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To all the cops who take people's freedom away for drugs on a daily basis, who say they are just doing their jobs, remember the Nazis were just doing their jobs too. Until drugs are legal, supporting the drug war in any way is simply immoral in my opinion. Keep up the good work spreading the word about this atrocity that is the war on drugs.

The more drugs are forbidden, the more people use them. The current push to decriminalize drugs isn't to encourage people to use them, but to lower drug use in the long-term and decriminalize people who seek treatment and withdrawl.


Agree!! Alcohol and Tabbaco are the worst drugs ever known!

I cant stand the government telling us what to do! I could go on and on about this! But ill keep it short!
Marijuana was outlawed by paper producing companies because hemp would put them out of business!
Its time to legalize it and end this pointless war on a natural plant that does more good for us than any other plant out there!moTvHn8SErupi.gif

I believe it was initially made illegal to target the minority groups who were using it, but paper companies and companies like DuPont who make the chemicals for making paper have helped keep it that way, as have pharmaceutical companies. Its time it comes to an end and innocent people stop being thrown in jail.

Totally agree...when people are prescribed it as medicine where its legal and then people in the next state over are thrown in jail for it. Something is very wrong. The facts are out. Polices need to change!

