Why Bible Prophecy Matters! “God’s Prophetic Wars”. Part Two

in war •  7 years ago 

Let us transition to the War of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39), and to start off with there are a couple notable conflicts of interpretation within Bible Prophecy Teachers mainly concerning who the key player is (Gog) and second is regarding the timing of this war. First the issue of who Gog is, is mainly divided between those who believe that this Prince is coming from Russia and others believe it is from the country of Turkey. Second, many Bible prophecy scholars believe this war happens before the millennial reign and other believe it is the same war as mentioned in Revelations 20. We will look at both of these issues in more detail further into the study.

To help us better understand the context of this prophesied war, there are two significant events that need to proceed this major coalition war. First, Ezekiel 36 states that God will restore the land of Israel that had become desolate and a possession of Gentile Nation’s Vs.1-4. This clearly occurred after Israel was scattered among the Nations for nearly 1900 years after Jerusalem’s destruction in 70AD. God Himself swears Vs. 6-11 that He will restore the land so that it will produce abundant fruits and crops and be re-inhabited by Gods people and flourishing cities. If one has been to Israel this is exactly what has happened since 1948. This passage also prophesied a spiritual revival that would occur in Israel once the land was restored, and this still has not been fulfilled. A day is coming in the future when the majority of Israel will repent and embrace Jesus as their Messiah, but the time of “Jacob’s Troubles” must come first. The War of Gog and Magog may accelerate this time of serious troubles for Israel and it will become full blown when the Antichrist enters the rebuilt Temple at the mid-point of the tribulation…then all hell will break loose against Jewish people and for all believers for that matter.

Second, in Ezekiel 37 the Prophet see’s a “Valley of Dry Bones” which is the whole house of Israel. God tells Ezekiel to prophecy over these dry bones and they come together with sinew, flesh and become a great army when His life is breathed into them once again. God says he will take them from their graves and bring them back from to the land of Israel Ezek. 37: 11-14.

This really depicts the brokenness of the Jewish people for almost 1900 years being dispersed, persecuted and despised right up until the end of WWII which was amplified with all the horrific evil done by the Nazi regime against the Jewish people. God did what seemed so impossible, bringing His people from the Nations and restoring them to their Promised Land and regaining statehood against all odds!

On May 14th of this year, Israel will celebrate their 70th anniversary as this incredible prophecy has been realized. Jerusalem will also be officially declared the Capital of Israel with President Trumps blessing and opening the US Embassy there. This no doubt will cause serious consternation by Israel’s neighbors and possible violence. This is very significant prophetically, as Jerusalem has always been historically their capital when they occupied the land. This declaration occurred in the year of Jubilee (giving back land to there rightful owner) which again demonstrates God’s amazing faithfulness to His people and the Holy City!

With the majority of Ezekiel 36 and 37 having been completed (except for the full Spiritual Restoration of Israel), the stage has been set for the future War of Gog and Magog. The first reference in the Bible to Magog in found in Genesis 10:2 and we learn that Magog was one the sons of Japheth (the youngest of the 3 sons of Noah). Based on ancient texts Japheth’s sons dispersed after the flood into Asia Minor, modern day Turkey and Magog dwelt in today's southern Russia. We also learn from Ezekiel 38 and 39 that God declared a stern prophetic rebuke against Gog the Prince of Magog and Meshech and Tubal who are also sons of Japheth according to Genesis 10. “Thus, says the Lord God, Behold I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” Vs.3. There are several very important details we need to look at to understand the context of this prophetic war.

• Ezek. 38:4-6 It says it is God who draws this Prince Gog and his clans and the neighboring alliances into this war as judgement which will include Iran (ancient Persia), Ethiopia/Sudan (ancient Cush), Libya (ancient Put), Modern day Russia, possibly Ukraine (Gomer) and Turkey (Beth-togarmah). Interestingly, all these modern-day Nations have strategic partnerships and trade with Russia who also supplies advanced military arms to these countries.

• Turkey appears to be wanting to leave NATO as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is on a quest to restore the Ottermen Empire and align itself with Russia. It appears all the key players of this prophecy are aligned currently and we could possible see the war of Gog and Magog in the near future…only God know the timing.

• Turkey currently has the largest army of NATO and this possible power shift could have very serious consequences in the region. Also, in recent news President Erdogan has gained dictator powers of the country and has been rapidly shifting the country to an extreme Islamic State from its recent historic secular status. Another very important fact regarding President Erdogan, he is the Chairman of the OIC (Organization of the Islamic Cooperation) and has stated he wants to build a 5-million-man army from the 57 State Members to destroy Israel. Erdogan is clearly power hungry and see’s himself as the main man to lead an Islamic Caliphate. Again, is the stage being set for the War of Gog and Magog?

• Clearly, the power broker of this aligned massive army comes from the NORTH of Israel. If one draws a direct line to the North Pole from Jerusalem is goes right through Turkey and her capital Ankara. Ezek. 38: 6, 15 & Ezek. 39: 2 tells us “from the uttermost parts of the NORTH with all your hordes”. So, we cannot rule out Turkey as the major leader of this alliance; however, I also believe Russia may possibly be the key leader and only time will tell. One thing is certain both these Nations will partake in this war.

• Ezekiel is also told this event will happen, “after many days you will be mustered. In the LATTER YEARS (or last days) you will go against the land that is restored from war, the land whose people were gathered from many peoples upon the mountains of Israel”. Ezek. 38: 6, 16b. We clearly know we are in the latter days as the “FIG TREE” Israel has been replanted in the land and flourishing.

• The next important point is, Israel will dwell securely in the land after they have been gathered from the Nations before this invading army appears. Ezekiel 38: 8, 11, 14. Israel is currently harassed and threatened by her neighbors almost daily, but in spite of these facts Israel is an extremely safe country to live in. It is also one of the most prosperous Nations in the Middle East and is safeguarded by God and has the most advanced military and security apparatus in the region.

• God tells us why this coming storm and massive horde will try to devise an evil scheme and attack the unwalled cites of Israel. There plan is to seize a great spoil and carry off plunder. Ezek. 38: 10-12. Israel is incredibly wealthy as a small Nation with a high standard of living and in recent years they have discovered massive offshore gas fields and some oil. They are now exporters of LNG in the region. These would be tempting spoils to their neighbors and Russia who currently is the largest petroleum producer in the world. Vs. 13 It appears Israel’s Saudi neighbors (Sheba and Dedan) and Tarshish (modern Spain) merely observe this war and do not participate.

• Israel will be surrounded on every side, and the odds will NOT look good! Thankfully God is not into ODDS but will overwhelmingly DESTROY the armies and the offensive land of Magog with destructive supernatural and natural forces (also see Ezek. 39:6). An incredible EARTHQUAKE will start the show off with God’s WRATH against His enemies Ezek. 38: 19-20 followed by mountains crashing down upon many soldiers. Vs. 21 tells us the army will be so confused they will turn on each other and slay one another. Vs. 22 Disease & bloodshed will inflict this evil army followed by torrential rains, hailstones and fire and sulfur. It will be a horrific bloodbath as millions will perish in God severe anger.

• God will show His greatness and holiness to the Nations as He protects Israel and the media coverage is broadcast worldwide. It will be the most stunning live TV and Internet coverage the world has ever witnessed. The fear of God will fall upon the Nations of the world at least for a little while. Ezek. 38: 22
• The dead bodies will provide a great sacrificial feast for the birds of prey and the beasts of the field. Ezek. 39: 6, 17-20.

• Ezek. 39:9-16 Once the bodies of millions of soldiers are devoured by birds and animals, Israel will need to bury the bones and under Levitical Law cleanse the land. It will take 7 months to compete this process. Second, the vastness of weapons of war will provide 7 years of fuel to burn for the people of Israel and the Nation will be enriched by the massive spoils of this fallen army.

I will close off this blog due to the length and continue next week as we will focus on the timing of this war and hopefully complete the series on God’s Prophetic Wars.

From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend! Maranatha…Our Lord, come!

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