Another Missile test !!!! Kim Jong Un Happy:((

in war •  7 years ago  (edited)


Look at the heavy excitement, Kim Jong Un of North Korea and his boys have after the test of a hydrogen bomb which is capable of blasting the entire global within 4 minutes.

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Lets just not kill each other please lol

He actually came out saying he wants the sanctions placed; removed and only wants to be respected as a sovereign nation - a nuclear power. But pushing the boundaries in order to do so will end very badly for him and rightfully so.

a very happy moment

Happy indeed ,but should it be worth celebrating ???

not really. but what can make

This man loves the war game. I hope he won't run when it starts.

This conflict between US and N Korea will end badly for the whole world.

I hope they find a more peaceful way of dealing with this.

I really don't understand why the same countries stating that nuclear weapons are super dangerous and need banning, are the ones funding research in developing new and more powerful nuclear arsenal.

The world is crazy XD