How Social Media and The Filter Bubble Lubricated The War Machine

in war •  7 years ago  (edited)


In the run up to the 2016 election it was amazing to me how many people were oblivious to the Democratic side of the war machine. For many Muslim Americans who, realizing that World Trade Center 7 was a controlled demolition, now know that 911 was actually an inside job, and the ones that didn't know that, were already disenchanted with the Republican Party because the botched attack was used as a cover to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. I remember the day. I was a biochemistry student on my way to my nucleic acids class, and I stopped by the UC underground to check the news. I found it odd that without any investigation, without any evidence Osama Bin Laden had been accused of plotting the attack. It seemed as if the legacy media was handed a script. We were told, that day, that it was expected 50,000 were dead in the WTC. Thank God they were wrong. We must be grateful that is was not worse, and watchful that those that occupy us in our own country will attack us on our own soil. I don't want to believe it was an inside job, though this nation has over 300 million people, and many architects and engineers at this point have signed a petition swearing this was an inside job. That's a lot of people putting their professional reputation on the line, including myself. Believe me, 911 is an inside job, and it's still going on. After 9/11, Muslims were under scrutiny, and naturally there was subsequent bigotry, many of them switched over the Democratic side, from their traditional conservative stance, hoping to stanch the war. Many were deeply dismayed to discover that the supposed party of equality was so full of war hawks. Democrats were the party of slavery. They will justify anything, including bombing other countries. The economic ramifications of that day live on with us. Of course our government is good, though it was, and forever remains, an inside job. Americans were involved in conducting 9/11. The legacy media is in kahoots with them, which makes the legacy media, and I am 100 percent certain, public enemy #1. Kudos to Trump for exposing the satanic fake news industrial complex. He is transparent. Fake news has been going on way too long.

The bombing of Libya to dethrone Gaddafi was one of these proofs, which showed how evil Obama, Clinton, and their zombie army of Democrat ideologues can be. Obama was a terrible President. He was "soviet Harvard." The Democrat Party's bombing of Libya showed the world that neither party will respect a Muslim sovereign. Democrats will bomb any country for a vote. Democrats are cannibals. Obama was mocked for having been foolishly given the Nobel Peace prize.

It was interesting to observe how so many supporters of The Democratic Party were kept unaware of The Democratic Party's War Activities. In this article, I wish to explore how come this came to be.

Part of the reason is that the reporting of news information has transformed as it has moved online. This allowed new media players to parse the streams of information and provide each user their own stream of misinformation. For years, the legacy media has colluded with the CIA and the deep state in keeping Americans largely unaware of just how involved the US has been in a variety of war efforts within other people's countries. Furthermore, most public schools, for decades, have failed to teach students any of this relevant recent history. This goes back quite a ways. School teachers from my childhood were quick to teach that World War II was a just war, however they gloss over, or even fail to teach students about the massive blunder of The Vietnam War. At no point in my education was The Vietnam War covered, so I took it upon myself, later in life to research it. This cover up has now lead to the even greater blunder of the current conflict in Afghanistan, where the US has now been mired longer than it was in The Vietnam War.


This is all very deliberate. The War Hungry Federal Government of The United States of America has traditionally failed to report on it's involvement in war. The reason is clear. If Americans were aware of how deeply entrenched the US government is in it's attempt to dethrone 5 majority Muslim nations, the citizens would be irate, rather we see that the citizens have actually become more war hungry themselves. The US plan to disrupt Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen have been in place before the events of 911. Most Americans are still unaware of this. Gallup Poll, for example, has been reporting for some time that American citizens support war, though prefer that it be conducted through aerial bombardment rather than the "troops on the ground" method. Clearly the American citizens have forgotten that bombardment is a bad thing. Just imagine how we would feel if another nation was flying overhead and dropping bombs over our country. This bombing has now been maintained for decades, giving people, who previously had no reason to despise our country, a good and long lasting reason.

This shift to a pro war America has been largely achieved through a coordinated and concerted effort which involves a bifurcation plan of playing down the stories of war, and playing up the stories in the media that portray Muslims as insurgents. All the legacy media, and social media filter bubbles, seems to tell the American people is that Muslims are evil simpleton followers of an evil ideology, which is far from the truth, and furthermore the media plays down the US government's involvement in disrupting the every day lives of Muslims around the world. Facebook is the "pretty little hate machine," and everybody knows it. It is rare to find Muslim voices in the legacy media, and it's actually for the better. Muslims are better off not supporting the legacy media, and making their own. Filter bubbles, the legacy media, even American children have become identitarians that scapegoat people who have nothing to do with terrorism.

Many mainstream US media companies, such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple, have been deeply involved with working with the US government along these pro war efforts. This was largely achieved through a phenomenon known as the filter bubble, which aims to provide each internet user their own parsed stream of misinformation. A preference was created to value the network over the individual, rolling over privacy. Muslims are routinely spied upon, not just by Silicon Valley's branch of the Fed, but now by their own neighbors who have been radicalized by being provided false notions of what Islam is. It is an attack of ignorance. What this mean is that there is no longer a consensus view of the truth being generated, and rather each person is being shown a different facet of the truth, or propaganda, if being told the story at all. Facebook, CNN, and particularly The New York Times, which as we all know supported the invasions, have all been prescribed their respective reporting methods by the CIA.


Given the pro war stance made clear by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the leadership of the Democratic party, it is important that Muslim Americans and their allies withdraw support from both the Republican and Democratic Parties, and take a third party stance. The notion of a "two party system" is historically false, and denies the reality that The Republican Party rose to power as a third party. The dominant third options are the Libertarians and Green parties. I urge the support of the Green Party because while the Libertarians claim to practice the non aggression principle, it is actually a foolish pro war stance. Under the non aggression principle, a Libertarian FED would still have engaged in the Islamic wars because they would still have seen 911 as an aggression to be responded to. In other words, Libertarians are not actually opposed to this foolish attempt to remake the middle east through instruments of war, rather than diplomacy and business methods.


So, I urge, moving forward, for allies to consistently support the Greens regardless of their currently nominal status. Muslims, and their allies, in the US are already an ultra minority. They are too small a group to sway an election to one side or another between the major two parties, however they can have a significant impact in farming up an ousting third party. It may take years, though considering how long the current religious war has been waged with no end in sight, it is safe to say we have plenty of time to build a Green Party that is prepared for total domination. It will happen. The non major parties are already costing the traitors in the Democratic Party elections. Let's make sure that it stays this way.

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Wonderful piece. Thanks for writing this. I agreed with much of it, including:

"The dominant third options are the Libertarians and Green parties. I urge the support of the Green Party because while the Libertarians claim to practice the non aggression principle, it is actually a foolish pro war stance."