Red Alert for Indian Bitcoin holders from zebpay...

in warning •  7 years ago 

Warning to withdraw your fund before 6th July otherwise your fund will be lost or stuck.....As per RBI notice....Market should dump badly...IMG_20180621_145257_260.jpg

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I think indian banks never gonna support crypto ! But zebpay is thinking of shifting in singapore i guess , to continue its services .

They will support just need some regulation on it. Lets see what the decision of court will come on 7th of july.

Relax... Nothing will happen apart from a temporary dump. We have other ways to convert crypto to fiat ❤️

Don't panic guys. Nothing will happen. Zebpay is safe. They already have headquarters in Singapore.

I think now we have to move our cryptos to other exchanges instead of using indian exchanges like zebpay, koinex, bitbns or unocoin etc.

hold it tight!!
nothing to worry :)

India should regulate it.

hold tight and stay strong # crypto will stay for long

Nothing will be happen. Banks support crypto it is all drama
Otherwise there are many ways to get cash out Bitcoin
No one can stop it

When every single crypto periodically dips 13% on the same day, you know the rape is in. The whole of crypto is in the hands of a few. Still not to worry ! Amazing information thanks for share