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I thought the days of empire building were over?? It seems not. A quality article as always @doitvoluntarily My #politics tag mentor ;)

the logic behind it would be either russia is doing it, protecting assets, fighting terrorism or whatever explanation they can pull out their ass, yeah protecting freedoms :)

Blah, blah, blah, blah etc etc....

those opium fields must need good guarding...

Just imagine if those funds were used for development and employment plans...this world would be a better place.

well America is pretty developed so they have to keep their opposition down, can't have someone equal you, it's sad they are destroying themselves with this bullshit, it's not the worst thing they have done, still it ranks pretty high up, the sad part is how it divides people in their own country, many are tired of the endless wars that were never official, but are pretty much either cover ops or occupations.

seems not safe

I agree to each and everything said in this post. There's no threat to American's freedom from Afghanistan. There has been no benefit from the war which has lasted more than a decade and trillions of dollars have been wrongfully spent while people are struggling with health and education affordability.

No to stupid wars!!!

This is not keeping Americans safe rather families will lose loved ones who will die in unending war. Its time for the Afgan people to take care of themselves with training support for their intelligence officers and military.

Yep, looks like the heroin epidemic is only going to get worse...fucking hell.

How true! I would send John McCain to Afghanistan first. Without ticket for return.

Good post lovely friend ..... hope this stupid wars stop and we start concentrating on world hunger ,and createa a way to have a good stay on this planet for us our children and our childrens little ones 💖

I guess the US need some oil or other natural resources.
Truly, it is as you said an unwinnable war and a huge waste of money.

Modern-day colonialism at its best. It is sad that global political forces are driving local communities into war. It eventually all comes back at 'us', the 'Western world'.

Great post once again. I only started following you now, but know I should have earlier. Thanks mate.

Good post @doitvoluntarily

When is this disgusting war ever going to end, it's the longest war the US has ever been involved in. For What?

Nobody has ever imposed their will on Afghanistan. Trump will not be the first.

Good article.

The US is quite often referred to as the World's police, but there are certainly economical interests at any location, where the US is willing to invest money and risk its soldiers' lives.

Maybe the saying "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer" is actually quite applicable in this case.

Followed you, your articles are interesting, especially for a political major like myself. If you enjoy photography and the odd commentary on Steemit, I'd be happy to see your comments on my posts as well.

All the best! :)

The best way to bring awareness about this is the easiest and most efficient...just talking about it openly. Just look at Sryia, Usa puppet president Obama would have send troops over there if people were not aware of their bs, all because we openly talk about it, so message was spreading fast...consequence no war!

15 plus years in Afghanistan- wanna know why? One word- HEROIN

America only reason


war is not good what happened to faithinhumanity!!!!

Every war will add itself. A never ending war. The guns, bullets, ammunition, the war planes etc. will be deteriorated if they will not use them. If there's no war, the businessmen or the industry making these killing machines will not profit. Its all about money. The war continues till the end times.

Russia is a silent WARrior, who doesn't really fight small wars. They wan't the final war, the last war. This is my opinion, don't believe in my statement lol!

Read this parable carefully:
The Parable of the Weeds
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.

27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’

28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

We all know these weeds and wheat. So cheer up folks!

Have faith, and love others as yourselves and everything will be fine.

Steem on!

First we had to protect the Vietnamese from those dirty Communists... while we were gone, the Communists took over out country. I guess Communists don't like Muslims! What I learned reflecting about my experiences in Vietnam is that 75-80% of the people in the world don't give a shit!!! They just want the other 25% to leave them alone!

Afghanistan is struggling from past 20 yrs

Because of this war US haven't experienced another 9/11. Imagine if the Taliban was still ruling Afghanistan.

Americans have had their civil liberties eroded continually for decades but never mind all of that right? and now those supposed terrorists are on home soil.. things have gotten much worse and their war did a whole lot of nothing but creating even more of the problem.

I know what you mean @doitvoluntarily, but leaving Taliban in Afghanistan would've done much more harm. Don't get me wrong, I know any war is bad but in this situation I think instead of staying in Afghanistan for so long, US should've gotten out earlier.

The Taliban had nothing to do with 9/11. If they were still running Afghanistan, there would be a huge shortage of heroin on the world market. They had stopped the growing/production of the poppy/ heroin and that's why they had to be removed. Poppy fields are back bigger than ever and the heroin is flowing. The CIA are the world's largest drug cartel, they supply the world with both Cocaine and Heroin. The USA has never been attacked on home soil except by rogue elements within their own government.

Taliban were harboring Al-Qaida mate! And poppy production was their main source of income, not sure where you're getting your information from. But anyways I don't want to hijack somebody else's post, so I'll leave it at this.

Nice if only everone can live in peace
please check and upvote me to

There doing it all wrong. They should just take over the country, build schools, government buildings, build suburbs, add tons of city cameras, just build the country up until its modernized. After 15 years the kids growing up will want to keep that same platform, and stay modernized.
There would be no more war, its all about education, countries that are in war all the time are not educated. Plus US and Ally countries would benefit selling their own products, and on top of that they would be able to add another ally.

This is what wiki has to say but I didn't find the image I was looking for


I can't believe I got the year right 1978 and of course - still going

there was a image of a park, with tow women sitting on some marble edges of a garden with trees, then one of supposedly the same place in 2008 so for those 30 years, that was a desert again, just rocks and no life in sight.

I would go back to the old Bill Hicks videos and revisit his genius :)

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That's because we have had orders by Generals to stand down & not fire back at them (see McChrystal) & we have Generals now who think they can actually defeat all of them by killing them. When in reality, we have to de-fund them.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

This is my life. My husband was an interpreter with NATO. He's Afghan. And the past and present interpreters are in extreme danger. Most of the interpreters were paid by the oil companies. Haliburton Oil being the biggest funder of the US Defense Force. Interesting that isn't it?
My husband is not in my country yet (hopefully it happen soon) and is not even in a safe country. I run a FB page for the interpreters. I know about the ongoing war from 2 perspectives. I know quite a bit. Unfortunately the Taliban is gaining power again. This is due to one thing and one thing only. The corruption of the Afghan government and foreign powers who have a vested interest in keeping Afghanistan, and it's strategic geographical position, well and truly in turmoil. A divided country is a weak country and easy to exploit. And these poor naive soldier boys from half way around the world, are sent into such extreme danger to keep the rich, rich and the oil flowing continually into the west with the money from this going into the deep pockets of corporate corruption, instead of to the sovereign people of Afghanistan (and Iraq and Syria and Yemen) who own it. I will leave a link to my page. It's relatively new, as the Afghan page was run by someone who literally had to run... for his life. There was an important message left by the BBC in his absence and an opportunity was missed to get more attention for the guys, and the gals who deserve help. I am relatively safe. I am very safe in Australia at the moment, so I can run the page pretty much risk free. We have someone who is qualified to identify suspicious characters who interact with the page and they are reported to the relevant authorities.
I know what happens to the hearts and minds of the boys sent there by NATO. The horror is something almost all westerners have no way of fathoming. And therefore when they return home, there is inadequate help for them. I won't go into it too far. Just their stories can create some trauma in the listener.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your very generous welcome when I joined too. Thank you.

Nice post buddy keep it up
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