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We all should learn and I think Buffet is correct! Coz I also not believing about BTC, I do believe crypto and more faster, more scalable solutions like STEEM, EOS!


I never compromise the truth, scaling and speed are not that important, otherwise eos and steem would be priced closer or higher to btc! The fact is if buffet is right then eos and steem would be forgotten about too in his world! Eos and steem dont even come close to btc! Eos is my least favorite, the karma app just does not do it for me! Which eos platform is the one I should check out?Lol I wish steem could beat btc but that is too much hopium for me! It is either btc up or nobody up! Lol

Scaling and speed are very important.

Yeah but not important to the price!

He might have to learn a lot about crypto, but nothing about investments. He is one of the richest on this planet through investing...if the needs to learn a lot, what about us? :D

Posted using Partiko Android

We have just been around for a blink of an eye! Give it some time! Buffet should be minding his own business and opinions!

After making fun of apple, he finally bought a lot...we just have to wait, he will reconsider ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

Nice, I got a lot of apple, only stock worth holding onto! Been there since iPod bulky! Lol I am waiting for Apple to go private and I to crypto issues stock!

If your are this ahead of your time my friend, you deserve to be followed!

Posted using Partiko Android