Washable Air Filters Shop

in washable •  4 years ago 

You're having a go for the first time even it's very easy if you just follow these steps before i show you the steps i have to say now because some of you might be thinking it's a brand new bike how can you need to change the oil so quick i don't need to change the oil basically i've always changed my oil early in the first you know several thousand miles uh it's my opinion um that uh after the first well the first service at 600 miles all the metal bits and bobs of running in an engine should have made their way to the bottom and got flushed out with the first set of oil that the bike came with now following those guidelines that bike hasn't been ridden as it's supposed to be or as everyone rides their bike normally you kind of treat it with kid gloves and follow the maximum revs now that's all good i've now got my bike and i've got oil put in by the dealership now since then on numerous times i've revved the hell out of this bike washable air filters.

Clean & Oil a Foam Air Filter on Motorcycle

Absolutely thrashed it now that engine is going to be reaching parts of strains tensions pressures whatever load that that wasn't previously under during the running in stage so it's okay having fresh oil in after the first service but since then like i say my opinion is after it's been thrashed i'm sticking some fresh oil in um and i'll also i know the oil what's going in it that's why i'm changing it i don't say recommend you guys to do it i don't care this is just me looking after my bike and i'm just showing you how to change the oil the oil filter right first is bike on the center stand then we have to remove six bolts to remove this underbelly one two three and four and five and the same on the opposite side makes six remove those six bolts and remove the underbelly so right bikes on the center stand you removed the uh underbelly uh skid plate even though it's not it's made of plastic and uh we're now gonna undo this front bolt.

Washable Air Filter Plus Tips

Let's just hold this better so we're going to undo this bolt here the drainage plug [Music] this one here which is also another drainage plug and then the actual uh remove the filter from here so all these will be off and out we'll start with this one first there you go that's the first one i forgot to press record like an idiot anyway you just undo that bolt and uh this whole thing comes out and it's got a little uh kind of a filter on the end as well that somewhere safe like in a plastic bag so you don't get any grit in it i'm bloody over the top when it comes to grit next one i'll do this bolt here so just remember the rubber seal bit goes in first i'll just let that drain for a bit right pretty much stop dripping so this bit goes in first right that's the oil drained and the new oil filter installed just need to put the oil in now right we put the oil in by pulling this cap off here which is just there and we've got to open this up and pour the oil in right now this bike takes 3.6 liters on paper um so uh let's have a look i'll start putting some in now and uh what i'm using just for those that are curious is powersynth 1050 motorex which is the one that's uh recommended on the side air filter cleaner .

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