Washable Air Filters Shop

in washable •  4 years ago 

I wanted to do so let's see if that's made a difference i'm glad i had another set of these because um that has mangled that somewhat that little exercise uh it's also proved it does fit over but we got the same problem the other end where this won't go over that ridge sadly i don't think these washable air filterswashable air filters are going to work just saying because they're quite nice turns out there's only uh one Allen bolt holding on that rear coil because somebody seems to have cut through the frame at some point so that must have been wobbling around anyway i'm looking at relocating this upfront here's the power to it that we uh split out from that loom the other day here's the ht lead plenty of scope on that to get up here and i might be doing new ht leads anyway so this baby would fit in here somewhere alongside.
Clean & Oil A Dirt Bike Air Filter On A Budget
Its friend and that worked nicely i don't know how i'm going to mount this yet of course that old chestnut and even this could be relocated to the front because it's all the same cable stuff here these two boys that come from the front all the way to the back and they could easily just as easily go up to the front there which would just leave the fuel tank power for the pump come in rearwards there's that rear spark plug wire flip.
Air Filters, Is Using No Oil Or Too Much Oil Best?
Around plenty of room if i do use new cables i'll probably root it up here like i'm going to do with the fuel lines in between those two uh the gold plate and the battery tray so it's nice and clear of heat and everything else it all boils down to how I'm going to mount my little tray in there which of course if i could do welding would be easy but i can't and yeah there you have it a little bracket here off these guys that would work maybe yeah just like that well that would actually work and it's amazing isn't it see never throw anything away i'm not gonna put it in now because uh hey this needs cleaning up a little bit tidying up um finish wise obviously.

Clean & Oil a Foam Air Filter on Motorcycle
There's still plenty of work to do with rerouting all the cables for the coils and of course all the fuel lines have got to go in so i need access to this area but at least the plan is coming together i know how much video can you take on a tray um but um i just flipped it round and that is actually kind of wedged in place now so i just want to check that the air filter cleaner it all and there's room underneath so that's what i'm going to do roughly in place and as you can see we're good to go we have clearance clearance yeah i was debating grinding off that nasty uh mount for the rear coil now i'm going to be repositioning that up front but of course actually it provides quite a good situation for a number plate

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