Why does publicity is useless ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in wast •  8 years ago  (edited)


Publicity is a sub-process in the production and selling process set.

A final product cost is defined by the cost of the different process needed to create and sell the product and the margin that permit product's creator to continue his activity.

By an other way to see what is needed to create and sell the product, it can be compared to a number. A number can be factorized into smaller number to the point where factorized number are called prime number.

If "72" is the product:

  • "2" can be the organization cost (cooordination, marketing, advertising)
  • "36" can be the product cost
    • "9" can be the raw material needed cost
      • "3a" can be the extraction of these raw material cost
      • "3b" can be cost around the raw material extraction (organization, stock, selling, ...)
    • "4" can be the transformation cost of these raw material
      • "2a" can be the time*effort cost needed to perform these transformation
      • "2b" can be the resources cost needed to perform theses transformation

In reality a product would be a very bigger number and process cost would be different, number won't multiply but simply make an addition. What is great with this example is that we realize that all prime number are in reality a time by an effort, even resources, to provide resources (like wood) it take time and effort to make the work to find, extract, stock and sell these product, sometimes resource extraction need to be paid because, this case is the same, those who make extractor pay for this have just invested time effort in order to have "copyright" on these resource.


So that means that all number (process) are derived from time and effort cost even resources, so to make a product we need raw resource and time effort.

Yes, but what is the link with publicity ?

Now that introduction is over, we can introduce where publicity is in these process or (sub-number) that compose the product and why it's useless.

Publicity cost can be a factorized number or a set of prime number right ? Yes but it does not make the product better or cheaper, in fact it just add cost to the product sum.

That's all for the "useless statement", but why do we use publicity, what is the objective ?

In past, communication way where not easy to use/optimally maid and accessible and the organization who have been maid a product where not able to inform people that would find this product useful (Where for these people, the advantage of using the product is higher that the cost spend, positive output/input result) that the product actually exist. So by lack of technology they where forced to use a communication way that was not very optimal, not precise and efficient so very expensive and annoying for people who don't need the product because they lose time effort for nothing.

What about now ?

The objective seem to have a bit changed (or maybe it has always been like that), the strategy is more "you need this product" than "do you need this product ?" and the publicity is not more precise so it increase cost for the product producer and the publicity watcher.

In shorter term publicity right objective is to inform people who need this product that it actually exist but the way we do it is just cost wasting for both side.

With actual technologies such as machine learning, we could technically be able to provide exactly what the customer is looking for.

You will told me, that's what we do on the web ?

Yes but it's steel very expensive, how often a product is purposed to a customer that is not looking for the product ?

How often you look for a product and you have the most promoted (cost invested in publicity) product purposed instead of the most pertinent product purposed ?

This is just cost wasting, one time for producer, and two times for customer (when he see the publicity and when he buy it more expensive because of the high publicity cost).


Publicity is just cost wasting for humanity, technology have been improved, publicity not so much.

Publicity is only useful because of itself. Publicity would be more useful as null.

Do you have an idea for how do we can reduce publicity cost (for watcher and announcer) and improve it's efficiency ?

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