The way society is set up squanders human potential. Dead end jobs grinding out dollars that are taxed to death and multiply the burden. How much time, energy and soul is wasted? Heard a show on the radio about an experiment on guaranteed annual income. It was conducted in the 70's. The amount is $40,000 a year. It was done in the U.S. and later in Canada. It was so successful in Canada that the experiment was shut down, for it revealed the current economic system as a total farce. With the guaranteed annual income the work rate was the same for the man, only an hour of work less per week. For the female she had a few hours less work per week which the majority spent with their children.
I know the current state of the world can seem hopeless. Sometimes you can't blame people for feeling pessimistic. What I don't like is when people use the apocalypse as an excuse to stagnate. They resign their selves to hopelessness therefore multiplying the misery. It doesn't have to be that way. The current system is set up to make money off of peoples disappointment that nothing is really as advertised. Know one wants to see drunks on the street or young ones overdosing on fetnyll. Yet it's a negatively re-enforcing system. Can't blame the victim, you can blame the system. Yet the individual if awakened can shift their behavior if they know how terrifying it can be to realise yourself is helping to add to the death toll. However you need a reason to care. Being a stagnant rebel sells so you buy more crap to puff up the poor soul image.
It's so much easier to cry and blame than to take it all and take the pain. We live in a apocalyptic society. Very christian. This idea of martyrdom and self sacrifice. Acting like heaven is all and life on the planet is shit. It's an attitude of hating life. They imagine in heaven we wont have to eat and don't have an asshole. Same as people who use the apocalypse as an excuse to be anti-social and get stoned and fucked to high heaven. They have no power or control. They may say nothing is ever going to get better, the planet is dying so might as well kill it and myself some more. That sucks. Believing no one is on your side, so you get what you want for entertainment. You gotta use people to help disregard life in general. It turns into a game. The body becomes a play toy, and you just get off all the time. Might as well go to church and preach the end of the world there. It makes no difference.