Too much of anything can be bad for you – we all know this. But do you know that this holds true for water as well? Water is good for rehydration. But when it exceeds the permissible consumption limits, it can make people sick.
There have been severe cases where the over-consumption of water had led to death.
You may have been told to drink more and more water, but the outcome can be fatal when you disregard your actual body requirements. The phenomenon is called water intoxication.
The sodium content in the blood influences the functioning of the electrolytes. These electrolytes are responsible for sending signals to the cells which control various operations of the body. When you consume too much water, the sodium levels in the blood decrease. This stops the electrolytes from sending signals to the cells.
Hyponatremia is a disease caused due to insufficient levels of sodium in the blood. When the level of sodium falls below 135 mm per liter, it causes swelling in cells. The symptoms of this disease involve nausea, vomiting, fatigue, excessive urination, disorientation, and headache. It is the worst outcome of drinking too much water as it may eventually lead to death. However, it is quite unusual and rare.
Too Much Urination:
When you drink lots of water at once, it is normal that you suffer from excessive urination or frequent urination. Your body has its own mechanism of absorption and volume response. Downing too much water instantly causes failure of your body to absorb the fluid. Hence, frequent urination occurs.
These are the side effects caused by drinking too much water. In case you experience any of these symptoms, you should straightaway visit a doctor. Don’t attempt to rectify the situation by reducing your water intake suddenly. It may also have detrimental effects on your kidneys. Maintain an optimum level of consumption and follow your doctor’s advice in this matter.
Please save yourself and your loved ones!!!