3. Healthy cold drinks

in water •  6 years ago  (edited)



Our last two blog posts were about plastic, I´m not going to make this blog post about that same topic. But before we leave the plastic part behind, I would like to share something with you about my teenage years.

For years we’ve been told to drink enough water. Almost every women’s magazine stated that every celeb´s secret beauty trick was drinking water. And as young women we would take that advice without thinking twice.

So, I started buying 75cl plastic water bottles to bring with me everywhere. My friends had them to. The cheapest plastic water bottles you could buy in bulk.

What these glossy magazine didn’t say, was what you should look out for when drinking that much water. Never once have I seen these following statements in a women’s magazine when I grew up.


Plastic of any sort will release a chemical into the water it holds, either if it’s warm (when sipping through the lid of a one-use cup) or cold. These chemicals are harmful. There’s been some statements thrown back and forth about it being safe or not, but in 2017 BPA was declared harmful. No sh*t sherlock… I do not want to have any sort of chemicals in or on my body, and we are only talking about our insides here, not the skin on our hand that touches and holds the water bottles numerous times a day…


The water we drink is just not only pure water. It’s often infused with Arsenic, Chloride, Zinc, Fluoride, Iron ,… the list goes on. You can find a link underneath this post to find out more harmful ingredients you could find in your water.

Back in those days I wouldn’t even known there was an ingredients list on the back of a water bottle. It’s just water, right? It isn’t until recently I’ve been reading every ingredient list on everything I buy. From a water bottle to my socks.

Of course, it’s not up to a glossy magazine to teach me about my health… (it wouldn’t hurt if they did … but that’s for another blog post ;-))

So what I would love for them to write along with these amazing beauty tricks would be;

Drink enough water, but buy it in glass bottles, or at least a BPA-free/reusable bottle.
Look at the ingredients. The more pure, the better.
Have a big glass bottle in your fridge.
Check your tap water! If you can’t drink it straight off the tap, try to clean your tap water with a filtration system.
Ice Tea – Perfect for warm summer days. Super simple to make; boil water (filtered water), choose any kind of tea (Check if the ingredients aren’t harmful, we used ‘Three mint’ tea from Pukka), and add some fresh homemade ecological (if that’s possible) mint leaves and lemon slices.


Recommended water filters:

What is BPA?:

Ingredients in water bottles:

Text from createyourteam.net

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